Jolyne Kujo | Roomates

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{  Request By: giopandina1psycho  |  Prompt By: Me  }

[- I really wanted to do this from The Simpsons. Lisa had gotten in college and wasn't happy with her roomate and so she got relocated to another fotm. The girl she met liked what she liked and Lisa was just like 'Wow, friend' and then she wink so Lisa then said 'Wow, maybe lesbian with me' -]

"My baby's becoming a woman, oh, how proud am I?"

"Mom, calm down! I'll be alright, but I want you to be okay too!" Letting her mother give her one last squeezing hug, she sobbed happily. "D-Do you need any help unpacking?"

Y/n shook her head. "No, Mom, go home and tell that brat of a brother that I wish him good luck for school." She said happily, smiling with triumph.

It had been her first day to University, and with many goodbyes, her mother left. Y/n looked over to the other side of her dorm room which also belonged to her roommate. The other side had a few dumbbells, big and small, along with a stack of DVDs and VHS tapes by the TV with a player for both.

'Man, they must be some type of theater kid.' She wondered as she went back to unpack her things. First, she had her case on the bed. She opened the case carefully and inside was her beautiful violin, decorated with stickers and a signature she got at a concert.

SHe closed the case after gazing at the instrument and went over to unpack her bags and boxes when she heard footsteps enter the room. Looking up, the sight of who most likely was her roommate slightly shocked the young lady; She was definitely not a theater kid!

Cool black and green hair, matching her also green eyes and the lime-toned lipstick she wore. Her figure seemed a bit more on the muscular side, she had a tattoo of a butterfly, and her aura was so casual, yet intimidating.

"Hey, you're my roommate, right? I'm Jolyne, Cinematography Major." She introduced herself.

Strangely, Y/n felt her face heat up, looking at such a... a delinquent? "Uh, yeah. I'm Y/n, Music Performance Major."

"So... roomie, do you want me to help unpack your stuff?" Jolyne asked, smiling brightly. She looked so cute, oddly enough.

"Oh, thank you." Y/n immediately, mentally cussed at herself for cussing.

The young lady and punk organized the belongings in Y/n's boxes and bags, Y/n being very grateful and wanted to repay back but Jolyne simply declined. She looked so tough and cool, but she was sweet too.

How odd.

A few days later...

It was late, Y/n was about to head to bed, already in her pajamas and ready to stay in bed for hours. THe young lady found herself a bit worried, Jolyne hadn't been in their dorm since lessons, and normally she's watching movies with her or with other friends.

What could be keeping her out?

She was answered as soon as she heard a loud bang come from the hall,followed by more crashing. Then, it stopped, loudly against the dorms door. Curious, but also scared, she stepped gingerly to the door.

She unlocked it, and opened the door, a very familiar figure falling onto her. It was Jolyne! And she was hurt, almost completely unconscious!

Y/n quickly closed the door again and carried Jolyne to her own bed, panicking in the process. 'Oh god, what do I do? She's losing blood! I can't-'

"Hey... I have bandages in my draw, get them." Jolyned murmured, loud enough for Y/n to hear. "Oh, yeah! Give me a minute..."

Without haste, she rummaged through her draws and found the bandages, as well as many other medical things.

Minutes later of bandaging and treating the wounds carefully, Y/n had finished up cleaning up the mess of blood. She sat beside Jolyne, who was peacefully laying on the small bed. Concerned, Y/n asked; "What happened?"

"...Just some people who don't like me. A lot of people don't like me." She responded.

In the small of the silence, Y/n spoke up; "I like you."

The young punk sat up, smiling and responded; "I like you too."

The two shared a few seconds of peace, gradually leaning close... but then, blinking back to reality, Y/n commented; "We should get some sleep. Never know if they might throw a random test our way, heh."

Jolyne nodded. "Yeah, I'll call it a night now. 'Night, Y/n."

"Yep, goodnight Jolyne."

[- Doing this late at night bois but whatever -]

-L o f i

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