Noriaki Kakyoin | Cuddly

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*cutie kakyoin uwu

Y/n's P.O.V.

"Y/n? Darling?"

It was late at night, and I was finishing off some homework for a project at school. But for some reason, my lovely boyfriend Noriaki was calling me to bed.

Sure it's three in the morning and I randomly started doing work on a Saturday, but something made me want finish them off.

"Y/n? Can you come here?"

I sigh and drop my pencil. I then get up from my chair and to our bedroom to see my handsome significant other laying innocently under a wooly blanket.

"Can we... Cuddle to sleep?" He asked, tapping his index fingers together. I was going to decline but then he said; "I'll let you be the big spoon."

And so, I quickly but tiredly signed off my work, turning off the light and crawling into bed, my arms wrapped around my lovers waist.

I felt his hands drag mine up to his chest as he whispered; "You know, I've used to only think having someone like you to love was a dream, and now... Well, I think I'm still asleep."

I smiled warmly before giving him a small kiss just on the back of his neck. "Alright nerd, I think that's enough story-driven games for you."

I chuckled lightly, giving him a small squeeze before drifting off to sleep.

I know these are really short, but like, dude I love making small oneshots like this where it's all floofy and coot

- L o f i

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