Request Page - 12

972 20 38

Hey guys! Back at it again with the request page! Anyway, sorry if I've been a bit slow, anxiety kinda creeps ups, dysphoria episodes, been hanging out with friends on games, preoccupied. So- Let's get to it!

Slot - 1 [Taken: Joanne_uwu] Mountain Tim X Reader

Slot - 2 [Taken: Maki_Yukohana] Melone X Reader

Slot - 3 [Taken: RavenRainyBlack] Anasui X Reader

Slot - 4 [Taken: HallowedKeeper] Mista X Reader

Slot - 5 [Taken: LisaDePieza] Secco X Reader

Bonus bc I saw the character [Taken: Oana_Alexandra28] Abbacchio X Reader

I'm sorry, I had to add in the bonus, I just love the depressed man so fucking much, Abbacchio is probably my #1 favorite and I give him all my uwu's

-L o f i

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