Doppio/Diavolo | Equal Love

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Requested by: HallowedKeeper

*I have now become a Diavolo fangirl because I'm not gonna lie, he be a hottie o_O

No-one's P.O.V.

It was strange living and dating a man with two counterparts, but interesting as well.

Diavolo. The boss of Passione, and despite its low numbers, it was known to be one of the most powerful mafias in Italy. Intimidating, lime-green looks, his slim yet husky build. Long, fuchsia-pink hair with spots dotted all over, his lips coated in a purple lipstick. Absolutely breathtaking.

Doppio. The boss's second in command and probably the most trusted of the boss. Fetching, tawny-brown eyes, a small, very huggable figure. His hair tied up in a braid, leaving the front loose and leaving it to hang over his eye. Freckles sprinkled on his cheeks. Irresistibly adorable.

And in spite being two different people, they were forced to share the same entity, though their loving girlfriend Y/n didn't seem to mind. She'd make sure they have an equal amount of hugs, equal amount of kisses, she obviously can't count up how much love she gives, but she tried her best to even it out.

"Hey Doppio."

The male turned over to his lover, still groggy from sleeping. He rubbed his eyelid, looking at her enlivened face. "Yes, mio amore?" He asked in a whispering tone.

The lady smiled brightly as she asked; "Would you like to make pancakes for breakfast with me?"

His eyes lit up with a small gasp. "Would I?" He responded and placed a small peck on her lips. The two of them jumped out of bed, racing downstairs to the kitchen and searching around for necessities.

"Doppio, did you find the pan?" Y/n asked, peeking her head out from a cupboard.

Doppio snatched the metal pan from the shelf he struggled to reach, waving it in the air. "Yep! Pan is ready- Durururururu! Ah! Boss is calling!" "Wait no-!"

And with a loud clang, Doppio fell down, the pan slipping out of his hand. Y/n dashed to his side, gazing at the bump rising on his head. She sighed, tilting her head as she muttered; "Oh, you sweet thing."

After carrying his small form to the couch, letting him lay down with a pack of ice and a large, woolly blanket, she sat beside him, caressing his cheek as she stared at him with sorry eyes. "You're such a baby compared to him and it's so lovable."

She leaned down, pressing a delicate kiss onto his lips before proceeding to pack away whatever utensils they had put out, and once that was finished, Y/n made her way back to Doppio. Though, she stopped walking noticing how instead his entire form was covered with the blanket.

Cautiously, she slinked around the couch, a smirk emerging upon her lips as she did. Once she was behind the couch, she leaned over, grabbing onto the end of the blanket. Feeling another hand beside hers, she jerked her own away as a familiar figure shot up from his place.

"Y/n! Haha... Y/n?" "Mio amore!"

Being tackled onto the other side of the couch, he looked down at the woman who was nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. He chuckled, bringing both arms around and smiling peacefully. "Carina, you were smart, but by next time you'd have never seen it coming." He commented.

Y/n planted a smooch onto his neck before sitting up. "Oh really? We'll see about that." She said playfully, getting comfortable and laying upon his broad chest. "Now, why did you hurt Doppio? He was about to help me make pancakes." She whined. Diavolo simply chortled, keeping his grip around her tight yet protective.

"Well... it seemed as if he was getting more attention." He stated. The lady made a sharp sigh, grabbing his hand and holding it in her own warm grasp. "Well, you know what that means?"

"What?" "By the time Doppio is all rested up, I'll be sure to give him plenty of kisses and cuddles. More than the amount I give you." "Aww!"

"But for now," Y/n snuggled up more, bringing her head onto his shoulder and placing a small peck onto his jawline. "I just want to cuddle with you."

The male looked at the lady and sighed, nuzzling his face into her shoulder. "Oh why, oh why are you so precious to us?"

Huggable isn't a word, but I want it to be and it's just a word to describe Doppio. I am 5'10 and Doppio is 5'7 which is the same height as my girlfriend so they are both v e r y huggy

-L o f i

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