Bruno Bucciarati | Angel Voice

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Requested by: __Kakyoins_Wife__

*Btw, the music I reference is more recent. Like one of them were literally made three weeks ago. Anyway, I'll link them on the bottom.

No-one's P.O.V.

As the chatter of people on the streets went on, the gang continued walking, following Narancia as he guided them off somewhere, unknowingly.

The clicking of their shoes began disappearing as the chatting had gotten louder, rounding the corner and being met with said crowd. They were all spilling through a door that were led down by a set of stairs. A club. One of those fancy ones as well. Fugo sighed, shaking his head disappointingly. "Narancia, seriously?"

The small boy turned around to them, seeing all of their expectant faces and whined. "Aww! C'mon guys! The singer's a real beaut!" He said excitedly. Giorno stepped forward with Narancia, saying; "I've been here once before. He's right, the food's fine but the singer's quite good."

Bucciarati sighed reluctantly, nodding. "Fine. Something new maybe a bit refreshing." He stated. Narancia let out a small, excited squeal, pushing past every other person making their way in. The others followed, walking in and entering the club.

Chatter was spread around along with the delicious smells of food, people sharing wines and other alcohols, a small band on stage with three microphones left alone as they prepared their instruments. The gang all sat at a booth in the back, looking around at the new environment.

Suddenly, through the speakers spread around the room, came the voice of a thrilled, older woman. "And now, everyone get ready for our star, Y/n L/n!"

The lights dimmed down and on the stage came three young ladies. The two, more petite women stood at the microphones on either side while the more attractive woman was in the middle.

"I want to know where I can go when you're not around and I'm feeling down so won't you stay for a moment so I can say~"

The three of them stayed in tune together, singing in unison. They each sounded good, but not the best... but that's only when they sang together, and then they let the actual singer take the lead.

"I don't want to see you cry, mmm, you don't have to feel this emptiness~ They said 'I'll love you 'til the day that I die'~"

The sudden passion and emotion in her voice, it was like a symphony, catching everyone's attention, Bucciarati especially.

His heart felt as if it was being pulled on strings with every word that slipped through her luscious lips, making it speed up, almost skipping beats as his cheeks reached a dark red, keeping his eyes on her. Love at first sight.

And once the song had ended, the room was drowning with cheering, clapping, some throwing flowers to her as she bowed with such a charming smile. Bucciarati sighed dreamily, propping his head up with an arm, his body felt loose as he closed his eyes, remembering her soft, angelic voice.

And after that certain night, he began wanting to see her more, sneaking out of the mansion whenever he had free time to see her, yearning for her voice, the look in her eyes, everything about her.

Then, one certain night changed everything.

He sat on a table by himself as per usual, a bit farther from the stage this time and looking up, hopeful to see her again. And que the voice; "Everyone! Get ready for our lovely girls and Y/n L/n!"

That name, by now it was etched into his head after the amounts he'd hear it. The cheering went on, the lights dimmed, and out came the trio, the others sitting on chairs while Y/n stood up front with her microphone.

Once everyone was quiet, the show had begun. "It's always fun~ It's always fun " Her voice was like heaven had taken a physical form, a siren turned mermaid, still managing to allure those unwanted.

Suddenly, in between singing, he noticed her look over and wink to him, making his heart race like a sewing machine on max speed. Then, she began to walk down the side of the stairs, striding through the crowds toward him.

Bucciarati had been frozen in his seat, completely dumbfounded by the current moment as she gradually got closer and closer, reaching his table. She leaned over, placing two fingers under his chin and lifting his gaze up to her fully.

"Most people just wanna drink and hook up~ That's not for me, yeah, I'm looking for love~"

The touch of her fingers, how delicate her voice was, everything was drilling into his head, but all the man could do is melt in her touch, looking up at her with captivated eyes as she smiled mischievously. She leaned in more to the point where their lips were millimetres apart, but then pulled away at the last second to finish her song.

Everyone inspiriting her as usual as Bucciarati slightly cursed under his breath. Y/n headed back up stage as the curtains closed, sharing one last stare with him before the lights came back on.

'Her stares, that moment, it must've meant something!' He thought. He finished his drink and stood from his table, waltzing around to find her dressing room. Once he had found the door with a star on it, that familiar name carved on it.

He knocked on the door, and then a sweet voice responded; "Come in."

He turned the doorknob, opening it to enter the room and seeing the very lady that stole his heart. She turned around, her face seemed shocked to see him, but there was also something that made her seem as if she expected his appearance.

"Oh! It's you! My, my, what are you doing here?" She asked, fluttering her eyelashes. He shut the door behind him, walking closer to her.

"I-I... want to say, Miss Y/n, if you won't mind... Ever since I first heard you sing, and even just saw you, you've been haunting my dreams and I've been losing my train of thought due to you. I'm in love with you." He explained. It was a strange shot to spill it all out, but it felt good.

Then, the lady chuckled lightly before breaking out in laughter, confusing Bucciarati. "Is... something wrong?" "No! No! Haha, it's just... Do you know what stands are?" She asked in between giggles. Bucciarati then revealed Sticky Fingers, nodding.

A feminine figure appeared behind Y/n as her laughter was put at ease. "You falling in love may have been my stands doing." She stated, smiling at him. Bucciarati stood closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"No, this love feels... natural to me." He said, leaning down and placing a kiss onto her lips. Once he pulled away, he reached into his jacket, pulling out a card and handing it to her. "If you wish to continue this relationship with me, please call." He then left the room, leaving her dumbfounded.

Soon, after hours, she picked the card back up, examining it better. "Bruno Bucciarati... how charming." She whispered under her breath. She then picked up her phone in her room, dialing in the numbers and waited patiently. "Hello? Is this Bruno Bucciarati?"

"Yes, amore mio?"

This is edited. I said I'd link the songs and was too lazy. My bad, here they are. 

Boom! Enjoy bc they are awesome songs

-L o f i

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