==LGBTShots, Genderfluid Pride | Narciso Anasui

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Request By: Tigerlilypad1311  |  Prompt By: Me :3


- No-one's P.O.V. -

"Narciso! Hey, where are you?"

It was a lovely night, perfect for going out for dinner at a fancy restaurant. Y/n was looking around her house for her boyfriend and found him staring at himself in the mirror. His expression, displeased.

"Hey babe, you alright?" She asked, raising a brow at him. He sighed. Hesitantly, he glanced at the lovely girl and asked; "Could I... is there anything less... manly?"

With a gasp, her eyes lighting up as she grabbed onto his arm, bringing him over to sit on the bed as she rummaged through her clothing. "I know just the thing! My mom got me it but it's way too big on me, but I think you'll look good in it!"

After a few minutes of searching, Y/n pulled out a very particularly interesting outfit for him, making his eyes light up. After a few minutes of waiting for him to change, sitting on the bed and waiting, he stumbled over to her.

The outfit was like a regular tux, but plenty of the buttons were undone, he still had his fishnets underneath for style of course. It overall looked more fitting on him, feminine, pink, oddly cute but complimentary. The lady squealed, clapping for him. "You look amazing!"

Anasui looked down, smiling shyly as he brought up a hand to push aside any hair blocking his view. "You think so? People won't be bothered?" He asked, his voice had a dash of nervousness.

Y/n sighed, pulling him down to her height to give him a kiss on the cheek, wrapping her arms around him. "If anyone has a problem, they can answer me." "...Thank you, darling."

Vegeta is a prison bitch-

-L o f i

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