Risotto Nero | Frankie the Axolotl

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Requested by: Snake-Master

*If you guys don't know what an axolotl is, I'll put up an image at the bottom of the page, so, yea

No-one's P.O.V.

"Risotto I found something!"

With an irritated sigh, the much taller, dramatic male made his way to the lady. Him and his partner in crime were on a mission, a simple target who ran off into the woods. After dumping his body into the quick-running river, he went off to find Y/n for... something?

Knowing her, it would be like a fancy looking stone. Not saying it was bad, Risotto always found it cute when she was amazed by simple things.

Finally finding her, she was crouched by the freshwater. He shook his head, approaching her. "What is it, L/n?" He asked with a slight grumble.

"Risotto! I found the cutest little guy!" Y/n exclaimed, and with a quick turn, she presented the small being in her hands. An axolotl, pink and permanently smiling. Feeling unease, he backed up from the tiny, pink amphibian.

"L-L/n, why do you have an axolotl-" "He shouldn't be in Italy, he should be in Mexico! Why is an axolotl in Italy... unless someone dragged him here! Oh my!" She yelled, her voice was tied up into sympathy, staring at the axolotl in her hands. After a moment, she gasped, like a light-bulb went off in her head.

"I should bring him to HQ! I can make him a fish-tank!" Using her stand, they formed a small, glass box and scooped up water, letting the axolotl slip in the box. As she ran off with the box in hand, Risotto took a moment to render what she said. 'She's seriously gonna keep that... that creepy, little thing!?'

Soon, once they arrived back at 'HQ', Y/n showed off her little friend to everyone whilst Risotto remained cooped up in his office.

"Meet Frankie!" Everyone surrounded the girl, eyeing the small friend in her hands.

"How'd you find an axolotl!?" "I don't know, he just ended up at the river where we killed the guy." "I thought Risotto would've said no to any pets here." "Yeah. He seemed kinda scared, but I wanted to save this guy before anything happened!"

Pesci perked up, his face forming a goofy smile. "Wait- Did you say Risotto was... scared of Frankie?" He stifled a laugh as Melone and Illusio joined in. The girl looked at them, oblivious to how funny it was and answered; "I think. When I showed him Frankie, he backed up and looked pretty scared."

At this point, the three were on the ground, howling with laughter. Even if they were all the way at the entrance, Risotto could still hear them in his office. He went to storm down and yell at them. "What are you all laughing about-!?"

"You're little friend, Frankie!" Illusio said, holding up the axolotl carefully as he along with the others chests and stomachs hurt from how hilarious the situation was. As soon as his eyes landed on the amphibian, they widened, backing away slightly.

"What? Sc-Scared of Frankie, boss!? Ha! Oh, I CAN'T!" Pesci immediately fell back onto the ground. Risotto was about to walk out the room when he then jumped at the sight of another axolotl... False, it was a printed image of a baby axolotl, being held up by a hysteric Melone. "Isn't it cute, Risotto?" He said tauntingly.

As everyone else laughed like they never had before, Y/n approached the much taller male with concern. "Risotto, are you scared of axolotls?" She asked, innocently. He couldn't get over that face, she looked so cute!

He blushed, feeling such embarrassment. Not only was his teammates laughing, but his actual love-interest was witnessing it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Risotto looked down at the lady, his face still burning up at the humiliation. Slowly, he nodded his head, following her back up to his office. Once they were alone, she let him sit back in his chair, still red and running a hand through his hair.

She stood in front of the desk, concern in her gaze. 'Why would he be scared of one of the most adorable animals in history? Unless...' "Risotto, do you have batrachophobia? Or- A phobia of amphibians?" She asked, walking around the desk and leaning to him.

Now he was feeling bashful, not due to everyone laughing but also shy for the fact that she was trying to be nice. "I... Yes. I've never really been fond of them."

With a small, "Aw, you poor thing." she slung her arms around his form. He wanted to shy away, slip out from her hold but at the same time, he melted into it, letting out a small, eased hum. "Maybe... Could I help you with this phobia?" She asked. He nodded, slightly smiling. He didn't really care, only if she was around more.

And here is an axolotl if you don't know what they are. Necessarily, they're a type of salamander from Mexico, complete pacifist and so fucking adorable

 Necessarily, they're a type of salamander from Mexico, complete pacifist and so fucking adorable

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-L o f i

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