Guido Mista | This fucker turned 5 when he was 3 cuz fuk 4

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Request/Prompt By: HallowedKeeper

This is kinda sloppy but hey- more Mista

- No-one's P.O.V. -

Mista's very specific-numerphobia is no stranger to anyone, so of course when it anything surrounding it arises, he goes in a frenzy.

Relaxing with his girlfriend, letting her rest on top of him, he obviously thought, 'This is great... god, nothing could make my day any better.' He was right, it was going to get worst.

Abruptly, he felt the small, lingering touch of her lips to his cheek, one, two, three and... four.

The boys eyes widened as he notice her stop at the forth, his heart felt as if it was sinking in quicksand as he looked down at her. "Uh... Y/n? C-Could you give me another kiss?" He asked, chuckling lightly alongside. The girl gave him a smug glance, she knew what she did and was proud. "I think... nope." "What!?"

Gritting his teeth, he shot up, still letting her stay on his lap as he brought a hand up to her other shoulder with a rather pleading look. "Babe! Y-You realize you put four kisses on my cheek, right? You remember what-" "I know, the four cats. But it's funny seeing you panic like this."

With a grumble, his face became a dark red as he held on tighter, burying his face in the crook of her neck and making her giggle. Then, still blushing, he put on a small, cheeky grin and reached up to also place four kisses one of her cheeks.

He looked up, expecting panic when all he saw was a carefree, closed-eye smile. The most adorable smile he could ever damn smile. He couldn't put such a cutie in danger, so he did what he could and showered her with more kisses, eventually hitting a point where it was just tickling her.

"Ah! Stop it! It tickles! Heehee! Hahahahahaha!" "Well, give me my fifth kiss, dammit!" "Okay, fine!"

Once getting the opportunity, she tackled Mista back onto the couch, kissing his cheek. He sighed from relief as she pulled away, looking down on him. "Thanks babe. That means a lot." "It also means you are going to be stuck on thi sofa with me for the rest of the day." "F u c k -"

Mista seriously be hating 4 over here bro

-L o f i

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