Joseph Joestar | What's Your Name?

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Requested by: YuzuruWaifu

*Guys, I'm not gonna lie. This was pretty fun to write. I had to watch the episode along-side of making it, and I kid you not, I was tempted to write for the name "JOSEPHU JOE-STAR"

No-one's P.O.V.

"Hey Smokey," Gently, Y/n wrapped an arm around Smokey's shoulders. A cheeky grin upon her lips as she leaned down to his level. "You see that guy over there?" She pointed her thumb over to the direction of a rather tall, bulky man who was talking to a man selling cola. Obviously, he was going to buy one. "Easy take, right?" The two shared a devious look and made their way.

Y/n strutted on one side of the path while Smokey stood on the other, making sure they weren't too suspicious. Shortly, they heard their cue. "Anyhow, if you want a drink, pay me. Money is the rule here."

The man pulled out a bill, holding his wallet in the other hand. Y/n had also noticed the tray of dollars sat by on the cart. Swiftly, Y/n reached over, grabbing the currency and dashing off, Smokey doing the same with the man's wallet. The duo continued running up until they ended up in a nearby ally.

"Y/n, you scored!" "Not as much as you! I just got five dollars- AH!"

Suddenly, the both of them had a hand on the back of their heads, gripping into their scalps painfully. "Smokey, Y/n! I finally caught the both of you red-handed!" The both of them had screamed out of fear.

Struggling, she managed to break herself out of the pig-cops grip only to end up being pinned roughly into the brick wall. "You worthless, street scum!" Her eyes widened in fear as Smokey's head was brought down only to be bashed in the back of his head, making him fall down. Blood ran down from his hair as he laid there. Suddenly, the both of us were raised up, being pinned onto the other, again, brick wall. Maybe a bit too rough due to the small amount of blood she spat out.

"I'll make sure to lock the both of you up for twenty years!" The pig-cop bellowed. Y/n stepped in, her voice hoarse and rash. "Take it easy! It wasn't a fortune!" "Shut up, you whore! I hate you and all of your kind! Especially you women, all you're needed for is pleasure."

Those words made the girl cringe, inside and out. He then grabbed onto Smokey's scalp again, his lackey who was holding her up instead used his free hand to push his baton against her neck, almost like choking. "But I'm a nice guy. Both of you, bring me twenty dollars a week. Plus half of what you steal."

The pig-cops grip had gotten tighter and Y/n's need for air grew. The atmosphere was tense, painful... Until a familiar voice was heard. "Excuse me."

At the entry to the ally stood the British man who had his wallet stolen. Apt to my lack of oxygen, my vision was blurry. All I could make out was his red jacket, blue cap and the brunette, spiky hair coming out of it. "Oh, it's the stooge who got robbed. I'm keeping your wallet as evidence."

The lackey slightly pushed away from me, I could breath just enough to regain my vision. The man took off his hat, revealing his face fully and running a hand through his hair. Unexpectedly, his eyes were an ambitious, sparkling green and a small, devious smile was apparent on his face. "That wallet was actually a gift to him, officer."

'This 195cm giant of an Englishman is actually covering for us?' Y/n thought, her eyes full of astonishment. "So I need you to let go of the wallet, the boy and the lady." Pig-cop snapped back. "What's that?" "Like I said, it was a gift. The two of them are close friends of mine and I'd like for you to let them go."

Forcefully, the cops dropped us onto the ground. The girl scrambled up to Smokey as the cops tried to size up to said Englishman. 'I've got to think of a way to get me, and that man out of here safely.'

"Close friends?" He landed a hand on his shoulder. "Tell me your friends' names. Don't lie to me! You want to spend some time in the pen? You bonehead."

Smokey looked at his companion, her mind deep in thought, trying to elaborate any possibilities. Lightly, she whispered; "Smokey, I think the best way to get through this, is to fight. Be ready." He nodded, putting his attention back to the man.

"I'm curious, what was behind that mockery? What was the purpose of that?" He said, quickly being cut off. "There's no purpose! I do what I feel like, dimwit! You, your friend, and that whore should-"

Abruptly, the man's fist swung into his face, blood flying from the punch. "You picked the wrong man to mess with, pig!" The pig-cop, his finger had been pushed through his nose! Y/n just stared at the situation like she had expected it to happen while Smokey kept up his frightfulness.

As the pig-cop waddled around on the floor, his lackey grabbed his handgun, pointing it to the man. "Y-You're resisting arrest!" He spat on the ground, bringing his arms out and holding a bottle of cola, using a cocky tone; "Shoot me! But I'm warning you! When you pull the trigger, I'll break your finger like a match!" "Not from over there! I'll blow your brains out!"

The trigger clicked... but then, suddenly, it seemed as if his body was glowing...? And just like a magic trick, the cap from the bottle he held flew off with enough force to snap the cops finger! "Aaahhhh!" The cop-lackey screamed.

The man gasped; "I lost my temper again! N-now I'm in trouble. G-Granny Erina will be furious!" Smokey grabbed a hold on Y/n's sleeve. "W-What is this guy? He beats up cops and then worries about what his granny will say!?"

"Mr. Pickpocket, Pretty Lady, shall we high-tail it?" The man asked. He helped the two up and they left to the underneath of a bridge. The man explained that he didn't know how he launched the bottle cap with such force. He said he could always do it. His grandpa died when he was young, but he could do the same thing. His dad died in the War, but had no such talents. He didn't have a mom either.

"We're sorry about getting you involved. We owe you big-time." Y/n said, dusting off the clothes. The man took Y/n's hand, placing a kiss on it. "No need." The girl smiled with a small nod. "My name is Y/n, and this is Smokey. What's yours?"

The man stood up properly, almost into some type of stance to be dramatic. "Joestar. Joseph Joestar."

*Ayo guys, I have a problem with Joseph ever since I watched Part 2. I'm not a fangirl about him or anything but I cannot lie, he is kinda hot and it's confusing me I don't want to fall into another Bruno case help ;-; 

(Oh, and Happy Easter for my fellow aetheist and LGBTs)

-L o f i

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