Jotaro Kujo | Ultimately

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Requested by: xXx__Silver__xXx

*This ended up being very short but I loved writing it

No-one's P.O.V.

Until she joined the crusaders, Jotaro had never noticed Y/n at his school, ever.

From what he knew, she entered high-school around when he did, but never noticed her. It was like she was transparent, a spirit roaming around. It was because she is mute. She never stood out due to her lack of voice, making her a target for teasing and to forget of.

The crusaders were camping mid-way in the desert when he finally decided to chat with her. Jotaro had noticed Y/n sitting behind her tent, alone. She had her head up, stargazing. "Hey."

Jorato's deep voice caught her attention, she then sighed, seeing him and went back to stargazing. He grumbled under his breath. "I just want to talk to you, bitch." Y/n looked back at him, her gaze going slightly cold as she leaned her head onto her knees. She waved her hands in a way of saying; "Go on."

He then joined her, sitting on the sand next to her. "So... you can't talk at all?" She shook her head, bringing two fingers to her neck to signal she had no voice. "How long has it been like this?" She took a pen out from her pocket, writing down her age in the sand. Jotaro slightly stared at her, somewhat shocked at this.

"...Let's talk about something else. You think we'll get through this?" Y/n pointed at him and then put her hand on her upper arm, lifting up her fist with a fierce smile. He chuckled. "I'll be honest... it's kinda scary, this journey... But I have a feeling, it'll be okay."

The girl placed her hand on his shoulder, giving him a sweet grin. She then leaned against his shoulder, hugging him from the side. Normally, Jotaro would've pushed a girl away if they did this, but this time, he actually liked it.

"Hey, when we get to college, what'll you study? I think I'll get into marine biology... it's always been interesting to me." He stated/asked. Y/n let go, grabbing the pen again. This time, she took a few minutes to draw it. A telescope and a book. Along with that, she pointed to the night-sky.

"...An astronomer?" Y/n nodded. She stood up properly, making a signal saying she was going to go sleep, but before she could turn the corner of her tent, she was pulled into his arms. She leaned into his chest, her lips curving up as she closed her eyes.

"Consider me a new friend, because, ultimately, I don't want to lose you."


-L o f i

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