Yoshikage Kira | He seriously do be freaking out tho

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{ Request/Prompt By: AltayraSubrata }

[- I'm sorry this took a bit and it being short. I've been processing some things, everything's being put in order, I might add in another art A/n and I've just been winding myself up for work. Anyway, expect more original stuff, I might be uploading a short Jotaro X Reader story soon, and yeah -]

[ No-one's P.O.V. ]

Chattering spread out as Y/n held his hand gently.

Yoshikage and his wife, the ever-so lovely Y/n, had traveled to Kyoto for a winter break. Kyoto was known to be very pleasing to the eye, being one of Japan's most historical places.

Of course, Kyoto was also one of Japan's most populated cities. Yoshikage being him, wasn't very well with how crowded the streets were. Y/n was keeping a hold on him as she led him through the streets. While that was nice, being crowded, almost boxed in, wasn't so lovely.

"Yoshikage, are you alright dear?" He snapped out his subtle trance, only to look back to his lover with the same concerned eyes. "Uh, fine, fine. I'm alright." He wasn't, sweating profusely was obviously not a good sign.

Y/n looked at him skeptically before having the two turn a corner. "Uh, dear I don't think we should be heading-" "This is one of the pathways to one of the gardens around here. Don't worry, a lot of these places feel secluded."

Finally, the two ended up in a garden. There was a small stream flowing through, and the pink branches from the trees hung overhead of the water, every-so-often, along with the snow, a flower would fall.

He fixed up his coat, looking around the place. It felt so quiet, and yet at peace.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, looking back down to his smiling wife. "I knew you'd like it here, I love you darling."

Yoshikage smiled, wrapping his arms around her. "Love you too."

[- Again, expect more and be prepared! And also, in the comments I'll be adding the link to a discord server one of our lovely jojo fans made, it's called Y/n Support Club due to a joke a while back that you may know or not. We all hang out, share art, every so often I'll be uploading a bit of work or ideas, and there's a venting section for any troubles you want to share. I hope to see some of you there! -]

-L o f i

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