Weather Report | Cloudy

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{  Request By: stinkycoochiebuttsex  |  Prompt By:  LofiAndChill (Me)  }

[- Sum fluffy Weather for you all. Since we don't see Weather with his hat off, I thought I'd write for it -]

[ No-one's P.O.V. ]

"Weather, I have a question." "Yes, dear?" "Can you take your hat off for me?"

Weather Report gave the woman a very questioning glance, staring up at her from sitting on the ground beside the couch.

The two only recently moved in together as a couple, and even if their relationship was still a bit fresh- He loved every minute of it. Moving in only meant now he could see her every-day. Surely, just taking off the hat for a bit wouldn't cause any harm, right?

Slightly reluctant, he rolled his eyes and nodded. Y/n let out a small, happy squeal before flicking the hat off, revealing his arctic-blue hair. Almost just as pure as snow, but just a little bit blue. It was fluffy too.

Y/n reached up, petting it lightly before gently running her hand through it. Her eyes as she exclaimed; "Whoa, Weather, your hair's soft! Really soft! It's like a cloud!" "Th... Thank you."

The best word to describe what he was feeling; Ardor.

[- Yo guys, here's a question; What changed your sexuality from what you made it? For me, The Arcana. Nadia and Julian are just so hawt, Nadia's got that regal beauty and Julian's damn right handsome -]

-L o f i

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