Giorno Giovanni | Mista fucking did it again

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Requested by: Lycanrom

*This was really quick and cute to write!

No-one's P.O.V.

It was very obvious Giorno Giovanni had a crush on Passione's best medic, Y/n L/n.

From long stares to the most subtle compliments in conversations, most of the Bucciarati-Team had known, and a certain person used this as an advantage to irritate him.

Currently, the two lovebirds along with Bucciarati and Mista were returning from a mission. Neither of the young boys had any idea of Y/n being their leader's younger sister, so the fact that they were talking happily was strange. In the middle of walking along the street, Mista had noticed something, nudging Giorno for his attention.

"And much like them, I had realized she-" "Psst! Hey, dude! Whispering voices, look at what Bucciarati and Y/n are doing~" Mista whispered, leaning to him. Giorno looked at the duo in front of them, noticing Y/n having her hand held with Bucciarati's. This sight had triggered an emotion inside Giorno. It was a mix of concern, a touch of fear or insecurities. What had just hit him?

Mista was snickering at Giorno's astonished expression, trying not to catch their observation. "GioGio, my boy, looks like Mr. Boss Man stole your chick, right?" He asked through giggles. Giorno tried his best to keep cool, responding with; "N-No. It's fine. This is fine."

That sudden burst of emotions was screaming at Giorno, saying it was not okay.

Soon, they reached back at the mansion. It was late, so of course Fugo, Narancia and Abbacchio had already gone off to bed. Y/n bid bye to her brother, walking up to her room. Just at the door, before she could open it, she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She turned around and was met with familiar blue orbs, not like her brothers, but a pair she had fallen in love with. "Giorno... Do you wish to talk about something?"

"I... No. I just wanted to see if you're alright." He stated. "Oh, well I'm doing fine. Thank you for checking up on me. Goodnight." She said. Giorno was about to leave while she opened the door before he said another remark. "By the way, you did well on the mission. I wish you sweet dreams."

That sentence, those words, they put a smile on her face. She entered the room, spinning around and falling onto her bed with the same, dorky smile. Where Giorno was terrible at hiding it, Y/n was masterful when it came to having a crush and not revealing it. She soon fell asleep, dreaming of only her and the blonde savior.

   The next morning...

"Y/n! Hey!"

Her eyes fluttered open, hearing the sound of knocking on the door. Reluctantly, she dragged herself out of the warm comfort, walking over and opening the door. Never would she have expected Mista to be there with a guilty expression. "Hey doc! Haha..."

Y/n instantly knew something was up. She leaned her body against the door-frame with a suspecting gaze. "So, Guido, what brings you to my bedroom? Especially with that awkward look. Are you feeling guilty?" "Hey! No reason to become some sort of detective." He retorted, raising his hands. "I just want to know something that includes you." "...Go on."

"Well, I wanted to ask- Are you in a relationship with Bucciarati?"

If she had one, Y/n probably would've spat out a drink at that question. Immediately, she yelled/answered; "Ew! No! He's my goddamn brother! What was that all about!?" "Well... I said something." He began tapping his fingers together, his face awkward and his voice cracking. She grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him close. "What did you say?"

"Well I... sorta pointed out you and your bro... holding hands. And I may have made Giorno jealous, because he won't get out of his room."

With just a small delay, she punched him in the arm and ran off to Giorno's room, leaving Mista to support himself up by the wall. The girl knocked on the door, but all she got in response was silence.

"Giorno, it's me, Y/n. Could we talk? Just for a quick minute?" She asked in a slightly pleading tone. Just after a few seconds, the door opened. Y/n entered the room, seeing Giorno stand in front of her already. "Yes Y/n? You wanted to talk?"

"Yeah... Mista told me about what he said yesterday. I just want to be clear, Bucciarati is my older brother, we're siblings... But now I just want to hear, what's this about locking yourself in your room and being jealous?" Y/n tilted her head, looking at him curiously.

Giorno looked down before meeting her sight again. "I... I cannot hide my feelings forever. I have been in love with you since day one... That jealousy mentioned was me being scared of losing you to someone without having a chance."

Y/n's heart fluttered as she heard those words. Instantaneously, she grabbed onto him, kissing his lips passionately. Giorno had kissed back, but they both pulled away just a second afterwards. "I believe you like me too?" He asked, grinning whilst touching noses with her. The girl nodded. "Yep. Now, let's go and deal with Mista."

I'm tempted to just make a series of oneshots where Mista just fucks up everything. Not saying he's bad, he's a cool dood

-L o f i

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