Pannacotta Fugo | Relax And Let Go

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{ Request/Prompt By: GoldenKal }

[- This was very interesting to write! I honestly loved this prompt and I had fun with it, thanks Kal! (I nickname every requester I have :) -]

[ No-one's P.O.V. ]

Walking into the mansion, the feeling of bodiless entities taunted his heart.

Fugo walked towards his room, alone like a needle dropped into the ocean. He found them foolish to betray their boss like that, and while three of them did meet an end from what he heard, it seemed the new flesh became Don.

He felt shame for leaving them, maybe if he had joined, Bucciarati, Abbacchio... and Narancia, maybe they could've survived.

He fell onto his bed. Silence flooded his ears as he let out a sigh of grief.

Then, abruptly, he heard a loud thump from the roof. Fugo jumped up cautiously, he stepped out the room, keeping his gaze up to the ceiling. He had remembered a route to the roof Narancia had made, using it, he got up.

He only realized now it was raining, so fiercely too. While it could've been paranoia, he felt the urge to check.

Suddenly, he noticed a body. Someone had crashed onto the roof. They were laying there, weak and defenseless, wearing a Carnivale mask. He was about to reach out to them when the body sprung up, holding a dagger and backing away from him. A stand appeared behind them, and so he called his own stand, Purple Haze.

The toxins released from his paranoia again, letting it stretch out as they backed away with haste. They stopped at the edge of the roof, limping in the process. A bloody trail being left behind, washing away from the rain.

"...Hey. Are you hurt? I won't hurt you if it's just that." Fugo stated. The figure dropped their weapon, dropping them-self in the process. Purple Haze followed gingerly as he made his way to them. The body, they were too weak.

Being careful of the toxins, Purple Haze, since Fugo wouldn't be strong enough, lifted them and carried them inside. He let them lay on the sofa in his room, Purple Haze faded away whilst Fugo crouched beside them.

He was about to take the mask off their face when an unfamiliar hand grabbed onto his wrist, holding on weakly but gently too. "Don't. I'd rather not expose myself to someone I don't know. Thank you for the help but I can help myself."

Before they could sit them-self up, another shot of pain went through them and they laid back down. "Scratch that- I can't even sit up."

As they breathed heavily, he looked over their body, noticing the long red mark across their waist. Hesitantly, he lifted their top to observe the gash. It was still draining blood.

With haste, he rushed to his bathroom cabinet under the sink to search for the right bandages and antiseptic, as well as a needle and string to sew it up.

He hadn't ever handled such a wound before. Thank god, when he was using the antiseptic to clean the wound they weren't squirming or freaking out. Whilst he tended to the wound, he tried his best to make conversation. "...If you don't mind, how old are you and what's your name miss- or, ah, sir?"

"Miss and eighteen. My name is Y/n L/n. Call me either, I don't mind. And you?" "F-Fugo. Pannacotta Fugo." "Hmm, Pannacotta. Like the pudding, correct? How cute."

Fugo felt his face warm up. After a few more minutes of tending and sewing up the wound, he finished cleaning up the blood around it. "Pannacotta, may I ask you something?" Y/n asked, "I noticed your stand earlier, you have one too. I have one much like yours, but by the fact you were cautious around your stands smoke... I'm guessing you don't know how to control them properly. While I stay to heal, in return, I'll teach you how to control your stands smoke."

Fugo was amazed. It was like she read him like a book. There was something about her that made him trust her. She was someone who had experience with a smoke stand too, she acted too kindly so far. Maybe he should let her train him...

"Fine. you can stay here, in my room. Just- As long as you don't go to any other bedrooms." He said. Y/n nodded. "Of course. We're merely strangers, it'd be rude to exploit somewhere you feel sensitive for."

Hearing his heart in his ears pump quickly like gunshots. Later on that night, he laid on the couch in the lounge. He couldn't just stay in one of his comrades rooms, he'd feel terrible.

He rolled over, and back, tossing and turning. He wanted to learn exactly who was this lady, maybe with due time he could.

     Next Morning...

"Pannacotta," Rounding the corner, nearly bumping into each other, Fugo was met again with that same mask. "We were going to practice with your stand smoke, yes?" She inquired.

He agreed and the two left the mansion. Fugo let her guide the way, and eventually, the two were met at a more empty part of town, behind a few more buildings. Y/n summoned her stand, and walked a few feet away from him. Her stand released the toxins as she explained; "My stand, Sweater Weather, it makes a toxin to remove a random sense of yours. Example, sight."

She balled up her fist, tensing up her body and created more smoke. "Do you see how I'm using my muscles? I'm using them to add on to the smoke, as long as I concentrate and use my emotions then I can control it." She let out a long sigh, the toxins evaporating around her.

She walked up to him, from his vision, she looked like a goddess. She walked around behind him, pointing to where her stand was. "Send your stand out. Think of something that angers you."

He sent Purple Haze out, it stood a few feet away. He took any smaller thought, preferably something avoiding the gang. He focused on it, and as she said, the smoke was building up. "Alright, now, Pannacotta, you must let go of those thoughts. Relax."

It wouldn't stop, it just kept building up as his breath grew heavy. Y/n could tell, he was the type to have grudges, and never let go. To this, she quickly placed her hands on his shoulders as his breathing became more audible. She kneaded her hands on his shoulders, making him stop. The smoke evaporated as he melted to her touch. "I think we should work on that. You focus on anger, but need to relax."

She was right. Ever since the start of that mission, he'd been stressed all along.

For the past month, Y/n showed him tricks for Purple Hazes smoke. She helped him with everything. Only once Giorno called up, and once Fugo explained he was excused until he was ready. Thankfully, Y/n understood his gangstar life.

He found her so intriguing. She was like a master of some sort, like some guardian to him. A literal goddess. She acted kindly to him, relaxing him whenever he got too riled up. Massages, small messages or compliments. It was like she was already his wife. That's what he wished for, and that's why he wanted to confess.

"You've done quite well so far." Here they were again, Y/n behind him again and holding him closer to her. "Y/n, I wanted to tell you something." Fugo said, looking down. Y/n walked around to face him, tilting her head. "Go on."

"Ah... I... love... you... I've f-felt like this for quite a while and I just- I think you're amazing." He explained. He shut his eyes tight, expecting the worst... when suddenly, he felt a light pressure to his lips. He opened his eyes back up, and was met with the beautiful face of a woman who he grew familiar with. Her lips were on his, her eyes closed, the feeling was tender and making him lightheaded as he melted into the kiss more.

Finally, Y/n pulled away from his lips, batting her eyelashes and revealing her gorgeous eyes. She smiled sweatly at him. "Pannacotta, you're so amazing. You're interesting. I wanted to confess as well because... I love you too."

She leaned back in, giving him a lovely kiss and taking his breath away in the process.

[- Red Fugo is better that green I SAID IT -]

-L o f i

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