Ghiaccio | Roller-Skating

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*I saw a meme and thought this would be cute to make, enjoy

No-one's P.O.V.

"Ah! I'm so excited!"

Keeping a comfortable grip on his arm, Y/n smiled, leaning on her boyfriend's shoulder as they walked to the roller-skating rink she had suggested. While Ghiaccio has been ice-skating before, he'd never tried roller-skating.

If anyone else asked, he would've declined, but since Y/n asked, he huffed and said; "Yeah, sure. How different can it be from ice-skating?"

Once they arrived, Ghiaccio noticed how there were quite a few other people. Y/n saw his now annoyed look and turned to him, bringing a hand to his cheek. "Hey, what's wrong?" "Nothing... Beside the fact that the music in here is loud and it looks crowded."

Y/n looked back at the rink. The music wasn't as loud as he empathized, and admittedly, there were quite a few couples around. "I don't think it's bad, Ghia. Let's just try and have some fun, alright?" She inquired, giving him a vaguely pleading look.

Ghiaccio glanced at her adorable face, biting his bottom lip as he blushed and looked away, crossing his arms. "Fine. Only because you want to."

Excitedly, the girl took his hand, bringing him over and getting their pair each of roller-skates.

At first, Ghiaccio found it very simple. It wasn't really much different from ice-skating, but it felt much more 'loose' and easy. Though, he found it adorable with his girlfriend stumbling every-so-often.

He extended a hand out, helping her back up on her feet. She laughed sheepishly, holding onto Ghiaccio with a tight grip on him. "I-I'll be honest, I've only been roller-skating once. I'm not good at all." She muttered.

He chuckled, leaning down to her face. "Alright, you can hang onto me then, baby." Y/n pouted, blushing at the nickname and making him chortle more... Until the lights went out, making him yelp. "AH!"

As soon as the lights came back on, everything had become very 'neon'. The roller-skates were glowing, the ends of the rink glowed. It was all very retro-style and colorful. It was Y/n's turn to giggle at her lover's expression. "It's cool, isn't it?"

With that, Ghicacchio nodded, his face red with the cutest smile possible. He then proceeded to bring an arm around her shoulders, keeping it secure as the two began to slide across the floor in the fluorescent skates. The face of amazement she had, it was a memory he would cherish forever as the romantic music played. It was a night to remember.

Soon, when the music died down, he leaned to his lover and let his head rest on her shoulder, smiling as they were slowing down. "I love you, babe." "Heh, I knew you'd like this place." Y/n said, reaching up and kissing his temple.

If you wanted to see the meme where I got the idea for this, here. (It's away funnier when you imagine Mario-Kart music too)

-L o f i

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