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Go away. I said as Jc opened the door.
What's going on he asked.
U know what you did..
A second later the
Door was knocked on. Oh no I hope it's not Kian. It's kian of course. Hey you feeling better Kian asked.
"You were with hannah last night" JC asks.
"Ya why are you here" alserp Kian
"You cheated on her why would you even dare to come over here"
"OMG I'm sorry Hannah I thought u would never see that pic I can ex---
I cut JC off can you just leave I don't wanna deal with you right now I said.
Fine said JC and stormed out the door

I started to cry. Hey it's going to be ok said kian everything will be fine
I will
Never hurt
Those words ringed
In my head I couldn't stop thinking about them. Kian lifted up my chin and gave me a sweet peck on the lips. "Wanna go get some ice cream asked Kian?" Sure I said we left and hopped into the car.

I feel so bad. It was just an accident. Ugh.. Why?
I walked out of the room and storm down the hall when I accidentally bumped into Ricky. Hey I said. He rolled his eyes. What was that for? I asked.
What you did to Hannah? What the hell? Ricky threw a punch me.
That will leave a bruise I ran away and didn't look back I hope the rest of O2L isn't mad.

Hannahs POV
We got back to the dorm room. I really needed to call Hailey and catch her up I miss her so much. While I was getting out of the car I texted her to tell her I would call her soon in like 10 mintues. I walked back up and around a corner and I could believe my eyes.. It was JC and he was with Hailey...kissing....

A/n sorry short chapter but 2 updates in one night.
Do you ship Jannah or Kianna? Plot Twisssst Hailey is here and she's already making out with JC do you ship it? Comment and let me know your thoughts comment your name and stuff and UR fave O2L or magcon charachter and I may insert you somewhere into the story and don't for get to subscribe comment and like my YouTube channel: Not So Identical

Love you all beautiful lovely amazing readers xoxo 😘

Is this real or just a dream? O2L and Magcon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now