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Abbies POV
It was over and Nash was really gonna regret doing that! I had a plan. Before Nash ran after me I took a pic oh he was so pay for this I never take back cheaters. I started running. Then I bumped into Jack J.
"Omg Abbie, are you ok?!!!!" he asks super worried.
"Nash was.... kissing.. Jenn." I say bawling into his shoulder. "come on let's get you
Cleaned up." he said and took me back to his room. All the guys were at the dinner so it was just us. My stuff was in Nash's and ours room so, I asked if I could borrow some of his close. He said sure. "Wanna watch a movie to get things off your mind?" He asked. "that would be great." I said in a low tone still kind of sad. I snuggled up next to
Jack in his
Bed and fell

Hannahs POV
"Heyyy." Matty said giving me a long kiss.
"Hi." I said kissing him back.
"I need to have a girls day with Abbie tomorrow, I heard something happened with Nash." I said.
"Ok that fine." Matty said.
Let's go back to the room." he said.
The dinner was horrible Bart wasn't even there and the food was disgusting it its was awkward silence the whole time.
Matty grabbed my Hand, he squeezed it he knew I was worried about Abbie after all, Abbie doesn't take back cheaters and I know she has some crazy plan to destroy Nash or whatever it's happened twice before and know It's gonna happen again.

"Welcome Not So Identical, to the stage. Everyonw cheered. Abbie began to talk. Uh-oh I thought this isn't gonna go well.
"So, I have been cheated and heart broken before and been lied to and its hurt be but I Have never had have someone hurt me as much as this. A picture popped up on the screen. Jenn and Nash they were...ewww that so wrong I don't ship it. The crowd went silent.
I started talking too change the subject meanwhile Nash was shocked and so was Jenn, and Abbiw was crying into Jack Js shoulder. Matt ran onstage grabbed Matt and Abbie and pulled them behind. Than he ran out. Uh oh what was he gonna do they don't know me and Matty are dating. he ran up to me and kissed me. "I love you Hannah And I never want you too get hurt and I will never betray you." he said passionately. I was shocked did he just say I love you for the first time omg I was freaking out. i paused for a sec. "I love you too." I immediately responded with a kiss.

Hey guys I hope you are liking so far. Let me know your thoughts and check out my channel: Not So Identical. Love you all beautiful amazing readers. Peace. 💖✌️😘and thank you so
Much for almost 200 reads!!!'

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