Out With The Old In With The New

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Abbie POV
Here's your key. Room 369 the office manager said.
I walked down the hallway it was really plain. I knocked on the door. It opened. Hi. I'm Abbie, i said.
Hi, I'm Hannah she said with a smile.
I'm your new roomate, I said smiling back to be polite. Half of the room was blank and cleared out I was assuming it was my half.
She started to cry and was texting someone. I heard a knock on the door. OMFG.... ITS KIAN LAWLEY AND SHE KISSED HIM... THEY ARE DATING OMG ITS KIAN I'm having a fangirl attack in my head but in reality I'm speechless.
This is Kian. She says.
I know I watch his videos acatully I watch all their
Videos. I love o2L .
Why thank you. Kian said.
I couldn't believe it.

Hannahs POV
Kian was going to take me out tonight he said he had something special planned but he couldn't tell me. I was really excited. He said be casual. I had wavy hair
From curling it before so I kept it that way through on my glasses( they are fake but I like wearing them) a black crop top, leggings, and a red and black flannel around my waist.
"You ready?" Kian asked.
"Yep lets go." I said and grabbed a mini purse and walked out the door.
The drive was beautiful a little long but we made small talk. He was so sweet he had such amazing eyes and he when he kissed me I would get that warm fuzzy feeling. I wonder where he was taking me. He said it was going to be special. He stopped the car. it was the same place JC took me on our first date...

"WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Conner screamed in my face.
"I'm just saying." JC said.
"You've only known her for like 3 weeks." Conner said in a quieter tone know.
"It only take 1-3 dates for a boy to fall in love and 14 dates for a girl." I said.
" I don't believe in that stuff, so stereotypical." Said Conner rolling his eyes.
" I better get going, I'll text you later." I said and drove back to the dorm.
When I got there Vanessa was waiting for me...
"Go away" I said.
" I have to confess something." Said Vanessa, looking worried.
I'm not Vanessa, my name is Hailey and I lied.
"You made out with me and didn't even tell me who you really were why did you come in here what were you expecting, just get out and plus you are or were Hannahs best friend. I'm in love with her and kissing you and that other girl was a big mistake. I said Madly and rushed her out the door.

Hannah's POV
I got back from the date even though JC took me to the same spot it was still very romantic. I loved it I got back. "Hey." I said
"What's up?" Abbie asked.
" Crazy but romantic date" I said and plopped down on her bed next to her.
" Some girl came knocking on your door, she said her name was Hailey and she wanted to talk to you, I told her I'd tell you."
"Next time Hailey or JC come just please don't tell me."
"If you don't mind me asking what happened? If you uncomfortable you don't have to say anything." She asked.
I told her the whole story. She was suprised and hugged me. then she put on some music to cheer me up. We started dancing to Cool Kids by EchoSmith and that's how me and Abbie became Bestfriends.

A/N: Hey guys what's up? It's Hannah and I hope you guys like this chapter sorry if it's short I've been making more chapters and I'm
Busy with my videos. I would love it you guys would watch me and Abbies YouTube channel is the one
I have been talking about and she is my bestfriend and our you tube channel
Is: Not So Identical


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