Oh No...

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Hannah POV
" ABBIE!! ABBIE!!!" I said.
"You woke me up what do you want?"
"I'll explain when you here just IM AT MATTHEWS AND THE GUYS HOUSE OMFG ILL EXPLAIN JUST COME TO THIS HOUSE (insert address) and go up the stairs and there's a big sign that says Matthews Room!!!

Abbies POV
I wonder why Hannahs at Matthews house. 😁 I put on high waisted Jean shorts a black crop top a black and red flanel around my waist threw on some make up and did my hair down with my bowl hat. I started the ignition and drove off. I was there in like 5 mintues after I stopped to get me and HANNAH starbucks. I knocked on the door. Nash answered. "Hey babe." he said. I bolted straight through without saying a word, I could hear him yelling behind me but I didn't care, I need to get to Hannah. I hear laughing in the living room and then I see the staircase. "Shoot" I said under my breath. The only way to get to the staircase was through the boyz. I tried running straight through the living room until I got stopped by the one and only Carter Reynolds. "Hey are you Abbie from Not So Idenitcal?" He asked." yea I got to go get to Hannah she's in Matt's room." everyone's faces are confused and turn to matt in silence. "Shoot" Matt mumbles under his breath. After what feels forever Camerom breaks the silence with a " ZAYUMM MATT GET SOME!!"
"No it's not like that, we didn't do anything she just fell asleep, she's going through a rough time." Matt says really quickly. Everyone breaks out in laughter and I run up stairs. I'm on the last step when I trip and fall and someone catches me. I look up and I notice Jack J. standing there. he looked down at me and says "umm hey". I say hi back. "what are you doing" he asks. "just chillin. In your arms I say. "I gotta go get Hannah from Matts room byee!" And I bolt, finally I made it. I can hear Jack yelling " wait what there's a girl In matt room, well that's new."
I open the door and wake Hannah up.

Hannahs POV
Abbie is up and she explains the conversations with the guys and what happened and how she got here. Then I explain how I got here the coffee and the fight and me and Kian breaking up.

We start to walk downstairs. I run up to Matthew and give him a big hug. "Thank you." I whisper into his ear. "Talk to me after you figure things out I wanna know what going on and why I picked you up last night" he whispered in my ear.
"Alright." I said. I looked in the corner of my eye and I saw Abbie running
Up to Nash and yelling "SORRY IM SORRY IM SO SORRY IK SORRRRRRRRRRRYYY" she said she jumped up rapped his legs around his waist and gave him
A hug and a quick peck on the lips.

"Let's talk." Matt said and we walked outside, alone.

A/N Hey guys I hope
You like it.
Let me know you thoughts on Kian and Andrea back
Together? Who do you ship Hannah with? Do you
Like Abbie and Nash? Let me know
Your thoughts and check out
My YouTube channel: Not So
I love you all beautiful amazing readers. 💖✌️ peace.

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