Jail Time

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Everyone was speechless including me, I went out with a physco.

I was still worried about him I grabbed Matt's keys and me and the rest of the boys drove down to the station to see what was going on. I called Abbie and told her I would explain later just drive everyone down to the station. I need to talk to him. They let me through but me only. Jc explained about his disorder and the threat,and how it was self defense. He said his trial was in about 1 week, I said I would visit him

even though playlist is coming up. I told the boys and Abbie, what happened and explained everything we were all still. kinda surprised. We dropped throwback and me and Abbie decided to take a walk on the beach we hadn't had some girl time in a while.

"Hows you and Nash?" I asked.

"Good." she answered.

"How long has it been since you talked to Kian?" she asked.

"Over a month." i said.

"I need to tell you something..." I said " Jc kissed me about a week ago in the hospital. but I pulled away and smacked him, Matt already knows."

I said

Do you still like JC she said.

Ewwwww No I said but I am worried about him.


I Knew the face she was using. She uses it when she's lying..I know she still has feelings for Jc... whatever. I was still all surprised by this whole killing my mouthing even though it was self defense and an accident.

We just sat there in silence for a little while. A black jeep with its hood down pulled up. It was Jack J..........

A/N Hey guys I hope you are liking the story so far. Let me know who you ship Abbie with and Hannah with. I love you all beautiful amazing readers. like Comment Vote and GIve me feedback. Follow my YouTube channel:
Not So Identical

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