Magcon Tour Day Part 2

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Abbies POV
We had traveled to a couple cities by now. New York, Dallas, and we went to LA first of course. Me and Nash were doing well, but Jack J. was acting really strange and was ignoring me.
"Hey." Jack Gilinsky said running up to catch up with me.
"Hi." I said back.
"How are you and Nash Doing?"he asked eagerly.
"Um, fine. Thanks."
"Well Ja--." he was cut of by Jack J.
"Don't say anything you'll regret!"
Jack J. yelled.
That was wierd I thought to myself. Jack G. and I never really talk. We were like aquaintences. He was trying to tell me something but Jack J. just had to pull him away. Ugh that stupid idiot.

"Hey." said Nash walking up from behind me and grabbing
My waist. He pulled me around and kissed me, we started to make out when
Cameron came in. we stopped, cause Stupid little Cameron was taking pictures. I went up and slapped him
In a friendly way.
"Ouch, that hurt." he complained.
"That was
Nothing." I say back witha giggle.

Hannahs POV
It was really late, So I threw on some PJ shorts and a shirt, and hopped in bed Matt came in andwrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a kiss on my forehead and we fell alseep.

Of course when we woke up Cameron was there... taking pictures of course, and yelling at Matt to get some.

We all got up and dressed.
I put on a Magcon sweatshirt that Matt gave me with ripped Jean shorts and straightened my hair. Then through on
My glasses.

We walked out on stage and we showed a little skit in the begging that Nash and the Jacks did. Omg then a pic
Of Me and Matt popped up... that was one Cameron took this morning. We haven't told our fans yet. Ugh I'm gonna kill him.

The stadium went silent...

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