Magcon Tour Day Part 3

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Hannahs POV
The stadium was silent. I walked over to Cameron and slapped him in the face as hard as I could. I feel bad I didn't mean to do that but I'm worried what if fans hate me. I run off stage crying. I bump into JC.
"What happened" he asked.
I explained everything. "iM So sorry. Come lets go to the beach and get this off
Your mind." he said
We drove to the beach in silence. When we got there I he picked me up and started running towards the water.
"No!!" I screamed at JC.
He threw me in the water then jumped in. He laughed. "Come
On stay in,
Go get your board, I put in the car when I left."JC said.
We surfed for a while I guess I wasn't feeling well. So I decided to take on a big wave JC didn't want to so he got out. Last thing I remember is hearing my board snap
And Jcs voice. Then I'm out.

A/N hope you guys like so far.
What's gonna happen with Hannah, is she gonna be ok?
Who do you ship her with?
You all beautiful amazing reader. Peace. 💖✌️

Channel: Not So Identical

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