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Hannahs POV
Today was Jcs hearing. I should be going I shouldn't even be there for him, he broke my heart, but I had to be the bigger person. Next week was playlist and Abbie was super worried about Jack and Nash rooming together especially since she was with them. I don't think that will end well. No wonder she is sitting in her room and eating junk food while watching TV or listing to music, I think she's trying to decide between Jack or Nash. She obviously likes Jack but, I know she loves Nash.

Anyways. I woke up at 8 Jcs hearing was at 11:30. I put on this really uncomfortable outfit I had to wear for court, it was black leggings with tall black boots and a flowy black top with white polka dots. I curled my hair and put on some silver hoop earings. By the time I was ready I needed to drive I hopped in the car with all the o2l boys, Matt, and Jack and Jack. Including Abbie. Who didn't look well whatsoever.

The hearing was about an hour. I found out that it was self defensive so he would be in for a month for lying about it and hiding the body and we would a funeral and memorial service for the mom.

~at playlist~
Abbies POV
I was so excited but I was sad Jc doesn't get to come we were really good friends. I think I like Jack a little but I love Nash. Just Nash is VERY overprotective and Gets jealous easily. We got off the plan and we went to the hotel room to get ready for dinner. I was with Nash, Jack J. I a room that would not go well Jack and Nash will fight I tried to tell Bart but he won't change. Hannah was with Andrea Jenn and Matt. Ricky was with Conner and Trevor. Jc and Sam were in a room. And the rest of Magcon got a double room. I got ready for a dinner. I put on my Conner Franta sweater that said Internet Kids Never Sleep. And some black leggings. I put on my glasses and straightened my hair.
"Nice shirt." Conner said.
"Thank you." I giggled a little. where's Nash I thought. He propbabaly in the bathrrom I'll wait for him. So I walked around the corner to go wait and sit on a bench But Nash he was kissing another girl.. Jenn.

Is this real or just a dream? O2L and Magcon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now