Hospitial Trip

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Pic above is Hannah
Abbies POV

I raced of stage to find Hannah, she had been gone for a while I figure she would come back, Matt Came with me he looked really worried. I got an incoming call, it was a number I didn't know.
Omg, Hannah is in the hospitial. We run back
To the stage.
"Ok no welcome to the state part of O2L." the crowd cheers. this is not
Going well. I tell the boys what's going
On and we rush to the hospital.

When we
Got there she was sleeping. The doctor said that she would fine but she has a broken wrist and a broken foot. It's not to bad, so she will only need a boot. As for the wrist. She will need a cast it's broken badly. She will also need her rest. good thing this was our last tour we just had our meet and greet left here then we were on our way home.

Matts POV
This is all my fault. I should have delted tho pics Cameron took, them non of this would
I happend. Everyone left and I stayed so I could be here for her when. She waked up.

Hannahs POV
My eyes were starting to gain focus again I opened them and saw Matt sitting there crying. He looked over at me. "Your awake" he screamed. " I was scared, I'm sorry this is all my fault." he said. "no it's not." i say.
He says nothing except that I should get my rest he gives me a kiss then is about to leave. " will you get me
A coffee and
Chocolate when
I wake up?" I ask.
"Of course." he said and smiled walking away, out the door. I
Couldn't go back to sleep A few minutes later JC came in. " omg thank god your ok." he said he leaned over and kissed me. I pulled away and slapped him with my hand that wasn't hurt. "I have a boyfriend, get out." I scream at him....

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