This Aint Good

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Abbies POV
"Hey." Jack J. said.
"Um, what are you
Doing here?" I asked.
"I thought we could hangout." He said with a worried look.
"Oh." I said. I kinda had a thing for Jack, but I knew I would get over it I mean I'm with Nash and all.

"I gotta go get ready Matt is picking me up for a date." Hannah said and walked away swiftly.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Jack Asked holding out his hand. "umm sure." I said. I took of my cover up and under I was wearing high waisted teal swim short bottoms with a trap halter top that has black outlining.
Jack took of his shirt. OH MY
"Haha thank you." he said.
"Oh did I say that out loud." I said and my face was flushed.
"Ya...." he said.
We jumped in the water and just hungout. I had a lot of fun I had to admit. We started to walk up to the beach but we were still knee high in the water. "Um Abbie I have to tell you something." he said with a worried look. "I like you ALOT ever since I first saw
You I think you are the prettiest human being on this earth and you are like a Rose in the middle of a field with dead grass. You are my stars my plants my galaxy my everything and I love you. I can't live without you." Then he leaned in for a kiss. I pulled away. "Im with Nash and you know that. I gtg." I said and walked away as fast as I could.

Hannahs POV
Matt was so sweet. He took
Me out for dinner a really nice Italian resturaunt he knows my
Favorite food...... SPAGEHTTIE!!!!! "I have something important to tell you" Matt said with a really happy look on
His face.

Nash's POV
I came into the house. Abbies walked out and asked if she could borrow some clothes cause she didn't feel like going home. I said fine and she ran up stairs on her way down she had a worried look on her face "we need to talk." she said seriously.
"Jack J. he tried to kiss me." she said and started crying. "Its fine Abbie. Tou didn't kiss him
Back. I love you no matter what."
We kissed.

Multiple times...

I told her I had to go I was going out with the boys for a while. I lied tho.
I called Jack
j. "where are
You, I wanna hang?"
"At a club downtown." he said
"Kk." I said.

I drove too the club and saw Jack. I ran up to
And started punching him and kicking him as hard as I could he tried to kiss the girl I love. SHES mine. "YOU BETTER NOT TOUCH HER AGAIN!!!!!!"I yelled. I dropped him
I almost beat him to death. kian ran in he must have been with Andrea. Yep they both took
To the car. I think I broke his neck. Oh what did I do? I thought to my self.

Hannahs POV
Oh me and Matthew were having such I nice dinner.
"so what did you wanna tell me". I said he was about to answer when Kian rushed in with Andrea his girlfriend 😒. He was the last person I expected to see on my
Date. "Jack J. is in the hospital..." he says.

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