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We took a plane home back to LA. I was defenitly being in the same house as JC, so I decided to stay at the Magcon house. Abbie ended up staying with The O2L boys because San was making her favorite pasta so Nash went there with her for tonight. When we got back
We all needed to get our energy out so I grabbed my bathing suit and opened the bathroom door to change. "shoot." I mumbled under my breath but Matt heard me. I accidentally walked
In on him but good thing
His swimsuit was already on.
"Are you spying on me?" He asked and laughed a little.
"No psssshhh why would you think that." I blushed a little and giggled. Then he pulled me in for a kiss. I changed and then started to walk out
Of the bathroom when
Matthew picked me up. He started running for the pool.
"Matthew Lee Espinosa, PUT ME DOWN!!" I screamed laughing. He jumped into the pool with me. Then we kissed. "Ooooooooooh," everyone said. We laughed. Then Aaron threw a ball at my head. "Hey!" I yelled. I swam over as fast as I could and tackled him. Matt grabbed the ball and threw it at Aaron's head I escaped fast but Aaron grabbed my leg and pulled me back. "Let me go." I yelled.
"Or nah!!!" Aaron said. All of a sudden Matt and Carter
Came up and tackled Aaron. Then Jack G. Picked me up and swam over to the other side of the pool. By the end everyone was laughing. Then we went back inside and I took a shower. Shoot my room is at the O2L house. I was so embarrassed. I walked out in a towel and asked Matthew of I could borrow some
Clothes he gave me a pair of sweatpants and a Magcon sweater that smelt like this cologne I really liked it. I borrowed a black beanie that eventually became mine. I walked down stairs to sirens...

A/N sorry it's short hope you like it something crazy is about to happen. Do you like Hannah and Matt?
Do you like Nash and Abbie?
Let me know you thoughts
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Love you all beautiful amazing readers. Peace. 💖✌️

Is this real or just a dream? O2L and Magcon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now