Awkward Day at School

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That night Jc walked me up there my dorm room door and said Goodbye. I left and went inside.

I woke up straightened my blonde hair. Threw on a black beanie and a purple flannel with my ripped jean shorts and grayish vans. I couldn't stop thinking about Jc and us hanging out last night. I couldn't wait to see him today. I was really excited. I walked out the door hopped in the car to grab off campus before class.

I saw Kian sitting in the coffee place when I got coffee I went and said hi we had a normal convo except that he was stuttering and not saying that much the whole time. Finally I asked him what was going on. he didn't say anything then he just got up and left. Weird I thought to myself it was 8:00 I grabbed my coffee and hopped in the car.

When I got to school I went to my locker to grab my books for my first class and bumped into trevor he was really acting weird and I haven't seen Jc.

After class I went to his dorm to go talk.he opened the door.

Hey -me

What are you doing here? -Jc

I just came to check on u since u weren't at school today. Sorry to bother you. I guess I'll just go. -me

no wait-Jc

what? -me

it's just nobody really knows about my mom and when they find out they don't really wannabe around me anymore like they think it would cause them more heartbreak and I don't want you to feel that way because of me I don't even matter. -Jc

yes you do matter and I care bout you and I'm here for-- He cut me off with a kiss it was deep and meaningful but quick he pulled away smiling at me. I couldn't help but Blush.

so what does this mean?- Jc

I don't know your the one who kissed me-me

I really like you, Hannah. Will you be my girlfriend? -Jc

I blushed and said yes and kissed him again.

hey hope you guys like this chapter I know it's a little short but whatever ill update as soon as possible I love you all beautiful amazing readers peace 💕✌️ YouTube channel: Not So Identical

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