Its All Over

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Abbies POV
I wish Nash never cheated on me. I was crying into Jack Js shoulder. He was so sweet and warm.
I woke up the next
Warning. Omg omg omg I was in his
Clothes and in his bed. I was freaking out. I called Hannah, who answered madily. "I'm in Jack Js hotel room bring me my own clothes now! Just a thing you can find, I'll explain later." Ok she said groggily.
She came up to my bedroom with clothes and we ran out. She told me to hop in the car we were going out today. she said nothing public so I don't have to be worried about this stuff I'm wearing. "What happened, yesterday?" She asked. "Nash he was kissing Jenn and then I fell asleep in Jacks arms." I started to doze off thinking about it. "ABBIE ABIE!!!! Snap out of it!!!" Hannah yelled."Sorry I was just---" she cut me off "thinking about Jack J"she said. " I need some time to get over Nash I don't like Jack J." i said. I knew Hannah could tell I was lying we knew each other since seventh grade. We were silent for the whole way. Until we got to a place. It was Jail? I'm
Confused. "Why are we here?" I asked. "ummm I need to see Jc." she said worriedly. She's still into him but she's with Matt. I know her really well.

We walked inside. "we are hear to see Justin Caylen." Hannah said. "Hes
Gona released about 2 days ago." the man said. I thought the judge said a month to My self and if he was gone where could he be. If he left jail he should be back at the o2l house by now.

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