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Hannahs POV
"Hurry up ARENT
You tired of this
Place yet"it's the end of Senior Year and Ive
Been stuck here forever or
At least it it seems like it only for my last 2 years of high school and I
My grades up and now
Moving to LA to
Continue my youtubing career with Abbie and the guys( Ricky, Kian, JC, Trevor, Conner, and Sam).
"Come on Abbie it's time
To go hurry up" Hannah yelled at me. "Come yourself I say we have an hour till we have to be at the airport and 3 hours till our flight."
I grab my stuff and we were on our way there was a limo waiting outside for us.

Abbies POV
I love Hannah but she is so pushy sometimes she's so worried about missing the stupid flight.
We hop in the limo and it takes us to the airport. When we get there we check in our bags a kinda bluish color. We all go through security and are waiting to get on the plane
At Gate 36 to LA. Since we stil have 15 mintues of course Hannah drags me
Along to starbucks. I order omy usual vanilla bean frap with extra whip and Hannah gets her a vanilla bean frap with extra whip and loads of caramel. By the time we get done we get our seats on
The plane and take off.

Hannahs POV
We hopped of the plane and got to the conveyor belt to grab our bags and when I was reaching for mine a hand grabbed the same bag. I looked up I couldn't believe who it was.. Matthew Espinosa.

A/N guys sorry it's short I'm tired but Yay 2 updates in one night. love you guys don't forget to subscribe and watch my videos:
Not So Identical

Love you all beautiful amazing readers peace! 💖✌️

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