Where is He?

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Hannahs POV
"Omg where is Jc?!!!" I started freaking out and screaming.
" Calm down." Abbie said driving me in the car. we got in the car but I was still freaking out. Abbie knew exactly what I needed. STARBUCKS. we drove and we couldn't find ones do drove and drove and drove. Great we were lost. Im
Mountains. I hopped out of the car and I saw a little building ahead
Of me. I knocked on the door. Nash. great. He was suprised to see Abbie go im the cabin. Nash invited us in. i guess we had to stay the night. Omg he was with Jc.
"JC" I yelled running up to him. He hugged me back toghtly. "I missed you so much." he said.
"I missed you two i said."
I pulled away from
The hug.
Told him I was lost and I would text him in the morn.
I woke up in Jcs bed of the cabin. OMG this is WIERD but Jc was sleeping on
The couch. Nash must have given Matty the directions. "Hey cutie." he said. I came up and kissed him. "Hey Matty." I said with a smile we kissed again we began to makeout when Jc walked in the room. "Am I inturppting?" He said. "No we were just leaving can you give Abbie a ride home I don't think she wants one with Nash and me and Matty are going on a date." I said. o
"Oh Ya umm sure.." he said sadly.

-back at the hotel-
Everyone started to pack Jc , Nash, and Abbie were back so we headed back to plane to head for LA.

-at home-
When we got there we all got into the pool Matty scooped me up and threw me in. Then he kissed me under. "Hey lovebirds stop making out and come play a game." Camerom yelled. Eveyone laughed and fell asleep in watching a movie. Matty carried me up to the bedroom and we feel asleep snuggled up to each other.

Is this real or just a dream? O2L and Magcon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now