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I couldn't believe my eyes! JC and Hailey.. I didn't even know Hailey was back and no wonder she didn't respond to my text. Hailey how does she even know JC and JC was just kissing that other girl.. He such a player. Kians good too me He's nice. I ran away I think they heard me cause I hear JC calling name. Whatever.

I knocked on Kian's dorm room balling my eyes out. He opened the door and started comforting me and rubbing my back. He kissed my forhead and told me "everything is goin to be ok now, you with me and I would never do that to you."

I closed the door. We sat down and started to watch a movie I can't remember what movie. Kian kissed me and I felt so warm inside, he so sweet to me. JC doesn't deserve me and he can be with Hailey. Speaking of her I can't believe she would betray me like that.
I got to go do my homework I said and gave Kian a quick peck on the lips goodbye. Kk call me if you need ok? Said Kian. Kk I said and walked out.
Ouch watch where your going I said. I looked
Up... It's was Hailey.
Omg!!! Hannah! Hailey said jumping up into my arms. I let her drop and didn't respond I had a blank face. You just think you
Can come to this school and start making out with my boyfriend and everything will be ok. Get away from me I said.
Hannah I didn't mean to I swear it just happened. She said.
Hailey we've known each other for six years I thought we were best friends but I thought wrong. Leave me alone, I said and walked away.

I hate her I thought I hate her. I went back into my dorm room to finish my homework.

I think she saw me with Vanessa. Oh no... I hate myself. I love Hannah and what I did was a big mistake. And now she's Kians I wish I could have that feeling her kissing me with the warm fuzzy feeling knowing she was mine. I really do love her I just wish I was brave enough to tell her that. I called Conner.
"Hey" I said.
"What's up" asked Conner.
I need to vent. Meet me at the ice cream shop at 5:30.
Sure, said
Then I hung up the phone.

Hannah's POV
I can't believe JC would
Just hurt me and Hailey I hate them they can go away and die in a hole. We have been friends for six years and so many great memories together like.. When I forgot my top at her party and had to swim in a tanktop and I hated it. Or when she covered my face in green chalk while I was sleeping and when I woke up I looked like shrek. I thought we were bestfriends. Ugh Hailey...

What's going on? Asked Conner
It's a long story I said.
"I got time" he said.
Alright so. There was a picture of my kissing another girl while I was dating Hannah... And I felt really bad. Then Hannah found out by the picture and she broke up with me and I was so heartbroken and needed to get her off my mind. This girl showed up and she said her name was
Vanessa and we started making out then Hannah caught us and I can't stand it... Conner I.. I think I'm
In love with her and I don't know what to do...

Oooooh Cliffhanger! Hey guys I hope you like it so far don't hate me please.. I will take feedback. And I would love to put you into the story comment your fave Magcon and O2L members and I may insert you...
My channel is: Not So Identical

SUBSRIBE!!! Love you all beautiful amazing readers 😘✌️ peace.

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