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He kissed me goodnight. I went back into my dorm room, I could fall alseep, I couldn't stop think about him, his eyes, his mouth, his smile, his hair, and his kiss. I liked everything about him. I think I'm starting to fall in love with him... NO I CANT I thought to myself. I hate feeling this way. Vulnerable. I hate it. I hate that someone can make me feel this way. I finally fell asleep, watching the latest episode of the walking dead.

I woke up around 1, shoot I was late and didn't hear my alarm go off. I rushed to get dressed brushed my hair threw on a bean a black crop top with a red flanel and black leggings with my black vans. I rushed out the door with my backpack and hurried to class. I had got in trouble and had to skip my break to help office when the remainder of school was left, Jc walked up to me and gave me a slight peck on the lips, this made me feel warm inside. He asked if I wanted to take a ride up to a mountain near by and watch the sunset. I couldn't not say no but I already got in trouble today and I have homework and my parents said if I don't do well at the boarding school they will send me to a army school. I didn't want that to happen so I had to declined him. I gave him a kiss and said I would txt him later.

On my way back to do homework I bumped into Kian. I said Hey. He didn't say anything, I asked what was wrong. He showed me a picture. Jc.... He was kissing another girl. I couldn't believe it I trusted him I did exactly what I told my self not to I made my self vulnerable. Now I got hurt. I felt the tears coming on Kian gave me a hug and said he would talk to Jc for me. No! I said Don't do that. Ok I guess I won't said kian but why?
Because I'm done with him I'm not dating for a while I hate feeling vulnerable. I started bawling into Kians shoulder. He hugged me tightly he's so sweet and can tell me the truth.
He rubbed my back and comforted me, he walked me back to my dorm and stayed with me till I calmed down. You ok? He said.
Ya I'm ok. I said. I looked up into his eyes.. He had really nice eyes and his hair was amazing. He said what? Nothing sorry I just zoned out. Oh he said. He leaned in and kissed me.
I couldn't help but kiss back I was sad and needed someone and he was there for me. Kian stayed with me till I fell alseep.

Kians POV

She looked so beautiful I can't believe JC would just do that to her. I feel so bad.
She looked up at me. She had such beautiful blue eyes. I just want to kiss her right now. What? I said since she was staring at me. Nothing she said I just zoned out. Oh I said I leaned in for a kiss. She kissed back. She was amazing and everytime I saw her my heart would melt I won't let her get hurt again.
I gave her a quick peck on the forehead and she fell alseep in my arms.

Hannahs POV

I woke up to a knock on the door Kian was gone, so I was expecting Kian. So I opened the door. JC.....

A/N Hey guys Hannah here sorry if you didn't like it let me know who you ship Jannah or Kianna... Oooooh cliffhanger maybe I'll do another update tonight Love you all!!!! Beautiful amazing readers

Be sure to check out my YouTube channel: Not So Identical
Thanx guys xoxoxo ♥️✌️

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