The Next Day

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A/N: Hey guys I hope
Your liking it so far it's gonna get super crazy I have some
Big Ideas planned let me know if you have any ideas for the story....

Hannah's POV
I got ready for JC and waited in front of the school. As long as we told an adult we could go out of school campus on weekends.
He pulled up and told me to hop. He had a big huge black truck. I liked it, made me feel tall.
"How you been?" Jc asked.

"Good, I answe which isn't really true I miss my bestfriend I thought to my self.
" Thats good", he said.
He asked me where I wanna go. I had no idea what to say. He said, "how about I suprise
You. "Ok", I said on return.
It was beautiful, he took me
To the sunset on top of a cliff no one else was there just is do we say in the back of his truck watching the sunset.
He seemed sad like he had something on his mind.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
What do you mean?-Jc
Just you seem like something's wrong?-me
Naw it's nothing, I'm fine. Well my mom this sunset reminds me of her I used to go watch the sunset on this cliff all the time but she.. Died last year of blood cancer.
I'm sorry to hear that - me
I felt so
Bad for him, he looked up at me. He has such beautiful eyes. And his hair is so amazing.
Uhhh, what?!- JC asked.
Nothing I didn't say anything I said.

You just said my eyes and hair were amazing-Jc
"Oh I said that out loud...? My faces was flushed.
Haha, it's ok. He giggled and blushed a little then looked away. It was finally dark.
We need to get back before curfew I said. Ya he said. He drove us back do the school but we were stopped in te parking lot by a very large group of students about half the school looking at something. "I wondered what it is" I asked. "Who knows." Jc said.

Hope you guys liked this chapter I'll update as soon as possible I'm super busy with finals... K love all of you beautiful amazing readers PEACE 😋✌️💕 YouTube channel: Not So Identical

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