Magcon Tour Days Part 1

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Hannah's POV
We got to the airport and checked in our bags, the same blue ones as before, the same blue ones I had when I met Matt. I really like Matt and I'm tired
Of being cheated on. Maybe Matt is the right guy. we finall got through security and as usual I dragged Abbie to Starbucks. We ordered our usual drinks and the brought back Pumpkin Spice Lattes for Trevor, Sam, Ricky, Taylor, Aaron, and Matt., and coffees for the rest.

We boarded the plane.
Jack and Jack sat next to each other. I sat next to Matt. JC sat next to Kian. Nash and Abbie were together. Taylor and Carter were together. Aaron sat with Trevor. Sam sat with Conner. It was along plane ride and I fell asleep on Matt and I think he felt me shivering so he grabbed his big jacket and put it on. Then a blanket over. I felt warm and I could smell his sweet cologne on the blanket and Jacket.

We hopped of the plane to our first destination... New York. I like this city, I didn't know it would be so cold though to Matt woke me
Up and he let me where his jacket. He held my hand to keep it warm. We got back to the hotel and had to choose rooms. It was the same as the seats
For the plane.

Matt took me on a walk in central park. We are standing by
this one bush. It looked like a rose bush, but it was wilting, cause of the cold. I felt bad that people didn't take care of that plant. Anyways, I know he feels it
This like connection between us... it's wierd but somehow I'm really attracted to him.
"You have really pretty
Eyes, you know that."
I blushed he picks
Up my hand it
Kisses it
"I really
Like you, Hannah."
"I really like you
To Matt and im ready."
He kissed me
Softly, it was a differnt feeling than I would get with Kian or
Think I'm
Falling in love.

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