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"Babe, come on please.." Michael pleading Joyce for the last sixth time in the last two minutes. "I've clearly told you about the hair-dyeing, Michael. Our daughter is only six, you idiot."

"Won't ever happened again." Michael frowned as me and Miranda letting the hot sun boiled our bodies. They have been arguing since we came at Melbourne Beach so we just let them do their thing.

"Sweetie, tell Mummy that Daddy is sorry." Michael shouted from a distance, picking up Bailey in a pink bathing suit along with her newly dyed pink hair matching with her Dad's.

"No! I want to go with Uncle Luke!" Bailey whined wanting her father to get her down.

"Why don't you with Daddy?" He asked, putting her down as he frowned.

"Because Daddy stinks and Uncle Luke smells really good," she stated making all of us giggle except for Michael.

I gave Joyce a quick look as she knew Michael is getting irritated and pissed. So that's when she stood for him, "Daddy doesn't stink sweetheart-"

"Yes he does..."

Michael rolled his eyes on Luke, as Joyce rolled eyes on him.

"Babe, your daughter's going with Luke instead! Apparently, you stink so she'd rather go with her Uncle Luke! Be a good girl there and don't fight with other kids."

The little girl ran over to her Uncle Luke along with his four year old daughter, Marissa doing some sand castles.

"Let's go back at the house babe," Michael invited.

"I'm trying to tan here-", she said but Michael planting kisses on her face.

"Mikey-", Joyce giggled as he suck her neck leaving sloppy kisses.

Michael whispered something on her ear making Joyce looked at us beside them. "Please watch over Bailey, I'll just have to help Mikey get rid of all his stink."

And by that, I knew they are going to frickle frackle at the house leaving me and Miranda a laugh. I turned my head over to her. "I'm sorry for Calum.."

"Ohhhh, it's alright. The boys are just so influential on the kids."

Last month, while Miranda was walking around their house picking up their daughter, Marissa's toys. Calum had been hanging out lately, still band practices issues. Miranda was surprised when she saw their daughter standing there, completely naked getting a can of coke at the fridge. Miranda called Luke immediately and asked their daughter on why is she like that. Then the innocent girl uttered, she's being like Uncle Calum. And that is, when Luke forbid Calum on his house again. I mean, how can he be naked in front of a little girl. Well, that's just Calum being Calum.

"Obviously on Bailey."

"Yeah, yeah."

Suddenly, the Irwin family came towards us along with they're beautiful kids, Froyle who just turned seven last week and Fia who is four already. Fleur gave us a wave, before completely passing at us.

Ashton laid beside me and sighed. "What's that for?", I asked.

"Jellyfish tantacles stuck to Fleur's leg, she's causing a lot of pain."

I wondered. "She doesn't looked in pain, though."

"Because, Daddy peed on Mummy." Froyle blurted out, huddling through the waves.

"What???! That's gross."

"What?? She can't pee on her own leg and plus, she said it was fine."

Then his phone beeped, must've been Fleur. And said, Fleur needs assistance. I gave him a nod and Luke shouted at Miranda,

"Marissa wants to be her Uncle Calum again!"

Marissa was started stripping her Tweety Bird bikini when Miranda ran to them.

The sun was beaming down onto my back. It was mid day and the sun was as it's hottest. After a few moments, Calum laid beside me racing his breath.

"Where are the kids?"

He pointed out at the Hemmings with Bailey and our little daughter, Cayla Jane.

"Calum, can you do my back please?", I asked handing the sun cream to him. He nodded. "Sure. I got your back, aye?"

I felt Calum sit on my bum as I heard the pop of the bottle lid opened. Calum's muscly hand were on my back massaging me. I was feeling the heat when suddenly, I felt his lips on the back of my neck.

"Cal-" I squeled.

"Sssssh-" He said as he continue to leave a trail of kisses. "Do you remember this is where it all started?"

"Yes, I can't forget when you stole a  kiss from me on the ocean." I mumbled.

"And when first see me naked at the house." He whispered.

Calum turned me around letting me face him.

"Now I wanna get your front  I could see the ray of the sun blocking the way through me and sipping into his body. Calum kissed me deeper than you could ever imagine.

"Daddy?!" a familiar voice questioned.

"Yeah sweetie?" We both sat in a proper seat, letting Cayla huddle between us.

"What's in your swimming shorts?" She asked and my eyes glanced down to see Calum's obvious bulge.


"DADDY'S GOT A MONSTER IN HIS SHORTS!!!!" Cayla shouted, leaving me keep back a few giggles.

"You go to the beach with Mummy, and I will go to the bathroom and get rid of the monster.. I love you two." Calum managed to get out, Cayla nodding.

"Have fun big boy." I laughed, ruffling his hair.

"Not as much fun as we will be having tonight." Calum winked at me.

Oh my holy fuck it's actually over omg im crying
Thank you so much for all the support and to all the feels this book gave me and you.
It was fun writing this for the past six months and ill be closing this book with 20K reads.
Specially, thank you to all the readers because this story couldn't gone this far if it weren't for y'all.

I LOVE you and hope that you'll always think of JALUM because I seriously will treasure this story forever.


Omfg I dont wanna say goodbye yet omg im not fine at all

- pizzagirlwithapen

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