Chapter 3

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Two days had already passed since we had talked about the summer thingy. We still can't figure out where to spend our vacation and everybody is getting really frustrated about it.

Ashton reminded the boys that they have a band practice this afternoon. They were supposed to meet on Ash's house and practice at Luke's because his house has the biggest basement and her Mum, Liz is literally cooks the best food ever. At least, that's what Michael always say.

Since I'm all by myself in the house, I beeped Joyce to come over and do random girl things.

We just finished watching 'Titanic', 'The Notebook' and, 'Romeo and Juliet'.

Our eyes were so puffy and our noses turned completely reddish. Wrapped tissues were scattered all over the floor. Everywhere. We had both sniffing and crying for the past seven hours.

I turned the TV off and make my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw some cold pizza leftovers.

"Joyce! Cold pizza?" I shouted in front of the fridge, waiting for her respond.

"Of course. I love all kinds of pizza." She said, making her way to the kitchen and sat on the table. "Hot pizzas, cold pizzas, melted pizzas, toasted pizzas, burnt pizzas, hidden-on-pocket pizzas, or even chewed pizzas."

"Ew, that's gross." I uttered as I put the pizza inside the oven.

"Not, if Michael chewed it."

"Even gross."

"That's what you called L-O-V-E." She excused, spelling the word 'love'.


"By letting your boyfriend chew the for you?" I said, looking so disgusted at her. "What are you? A sloth? Or a 70 year old who doesn't have any teeth left, so you let your husband chew the food for you?"

"I was just kidding."

"I don't think so," I said, raising an eyebrow and took the pizza out of the oven putting it on a clean plate.

"By the way, have you thought where we could go on a vacation?" I rolled my eyes on her, leaving the Michael chewed-pizza.

"We were just talking about it last ni-"

Suddenly, I stopped her from talking and lift an ear to hear the coming footsteps. Maybe, it's Ashton and saw it wasn't him.

It's Michael and Calum.

"Babe!" Joyce shouted, stretching her arms out for Michael. He sat beside her and feed him her pizza.

"Where's Ash?" I asked Mikey. But he seems busy cuddling with Joyce. "Michael..."

"He's outside with Luke." Calum answered. I was a bit shocked that he answered me because, I think? that's our first ever conversation.

I looked at him standing behind me leaning back to the sink as he looked back at me uncomfortably.

It was so awkward.

"Hey Judith-patootie, why are there tissues scattered on the living room." Ashton uttered, breaking the awkward silent.

"We just watched three movies." I said, looking away from Calum.

"Hey, is there any food here?" Luke groaned as he holds his stomach.

"Let's but food. We're starving." Michael added.

"You're always starving..." Joyce rolling her eyes on him.

"I really am. Babe, can I eat you?" Michael giving her dirty looks as he runs his hand on her waist.

"Go fuck somewhere else." Luke shouted.

"Give us some room, love birds." Ashton chuckled, biting a little from my pizza.

"I'm craving for Gravioli..." Calum finally spoke, letting out a little smile on his face.

"Gravioli sounds good"

"Com'n Judith-patootie. Let's buy food." Ashton said grabbing my hands and walked outside.

"DON'T BURN THE HOUSE!!!" I shouted at them before leaving.

Luke gave a wave to the door while Joyce and Mikey ran upstairs.

ugh, love birds.

We were on the road at past nine in the evening. We just passed a few parties down in the neighborhood.

"Ash, let's go faster." I said, looking at him. His eyes were really focused on the road. He is wearing a grey T-shirt that says 'Ponies Forever' plus drawings of cute little ponies. He is so not punk rock.

"Whatever you say, patootie." He chuckled, taking a quick look over me as he pinch my arm. "God. I'm loving that word 'patootie', right Judith-patootie?"

"That's why you will never be punk rock." I pouted.

"If that's the case, you're not also beautiful."

"Okay. I can give myself compliments."

"Sounds pathetic." He laughed aloud causing me to be pissed off and looked outside the window.

Everytime we were on like this, Ashton always manages to bring my nerves down by taking back and apologizing on what he just said against me earlier.

But we always knew that after Ashton apologizing, we are always going to end up talking to each other again.

"Hey." Ashton pulling me to face him.

"What?" I groaned, pretending to be angry.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." He said, grabbing my hand. "You are beautiful."

"I don't believe you." I said, hiding my smile with my hand.

He looked closely at me and saw that I was smirking on the dark. He stroked my hair putting it behind my ear. "You are pretty, Judith-patootie."

"Liar." I said, giving him a small smack on the arm. "Ashton butthole."


We just finished doing nothing and it's almost midnight now. Joyce and Michael manage to fall asleep cuddling on the floor.

"Hey, have you thought of the vacation?" I asked Ashton who is busy lying on the couch next to me.

"Hmm? I haven't thought it yet."

"I wanna go somewhere."

"Actually I know a place. Maybe we could stay there for more than we want." Luke looking at his phone, probably texting. Or playing. Or watching porn. I don't even know why he's always looking at his phone all the time. Manirism.

"Where? Really?"

"Melbourne. I know someone there." He said.

"Can we go there tomorrow?"


"Yay!" Ashton shouted excitedly.

"TO MELBOURNE-" Calum lifting his arms up in the air.



I really did this whole night. Hope you love it.

Vote and comment.

- pizzagirlwithapen

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