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PL MET 4203 the synth has been invaluable - subfloor 3.5 was a maze but it led me through in only a few hours - an older model but feel there is more to it than obvious - currently holding in a maintenance post close by the spindle - ready for one last push.

ML MET 4210 requisitioned synthetic s/n 003107900 proceeding to meeting on floor 17 with informants

She found him working on something. He had taken over a workstation and after disconnecting and removing the useless terminal he had augmented the space with a battery lamp and a set of diagnostic and repair tools. He had arrayed here on the theater of operations a collection of disparate electronics; palmcoders access devices and even a few touchpads. They had all come from the faults bin.

He was examining a certain palmcoder when she walked in. He did not look up. He held the palmcoder in the light and turned it over in his hands. It was an older model blocky in form with a gold cyberskin. Diacom. Offbrand then. He found the twin diodes in its base and pressed them. It failed to start. It got as far as the logo there in green and black and stopped.

He put it aside.

What are you doing. She said after a minute.

He did not reply immediately. He selected another palmcoder. It was the same make and model as the previous one. These were all ones used by the maintenance personal during their duties. They would have collected them at sign on and left them behind when they finished. He went to test it then hesitated and frowning he glanced up at the synthetic.

I must send a message. He said. You seem too curious for default.

I chose to retain many of those granted me by my previous user. She paused. Would you like to make some changes to my settings now.

No. Said Even after a bit. You may corninue to choose your own settings, for now.

He went back to the palmcoder. It had a crack in its screen and the cyberskin was worn from use. But when he powered it on it booted successfully to the lock screen where it requested an employee name and passcode or alternatively set up an account for a new employee.

Then my name is Sarah. She said.

He glanced up at her surprise evident on his face.

Is that what Chyan called you.

No. She said.

That is fine. He said. He looked at her again. I think you have given me the answer.

To what question.

He smiled and tapped a button on the palmcoder.

Soon you will be an employee of station maintence. One thing. You're going to need to choose a last name as well.

I've never had a last name. She fell silent. I choose Chyan.

He stopped what he was doing and looked at her. Some fleeting untellable emotion passed over his face.

Was the daughter named Sarah.

That information is tagged private.

He nodded.

Are you programmed to feel emotions. He asked.

Yes. She said. Doctor Chyan said it would help when my duties were with my children. Don't most modern synthetics have emotions.

He ignored her question. What did you feel when ah your children were euthanised.

Doctor Chyan placed me into  reduced functionality mode when I attempted to prevent that action.

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