11 2 0

He finished typing his logs and saved it then opened the log appendix and started a new section.


He looked over to where they sat along a bench seat at one of the rectangular tables. They were eating. The woman had gotten the printer to work and now they had plastic trays of small flattened geometric shapes that were colored like they had been pushed through a prism. Sarah was sitting with them, eating those extrusions; the food was likely more suited for her than them. They had prepared one more tray and put it in front of an empty space on the bench and as he came over the guard picked up this tray and offered it to him.

It's better than it looks.

I need names. He said. For the witness list. He looked around. Then we have to leave.

The guard frowned and put down the tray.

Name is Hosima Yoki. How do you suppose we get past the demon.

Even typed in the name then looked at the red haired man.

Oh shit. Sorry sir. Nicoli Stine.

Even nodded.

Last one. He said after a bit.

Del. Short for Delilah Eve Falcini. Don't call me anything but Del. I'd like you to answer Hosi's question if you don't mind.

Even finished his work then put away his palmcoder.

Well first thing I guess is whether or not you can shoot. Hosima. Can you shoot.

A bit.

You ex military by any chance.

The man laughed. Negative.

Even waited.

Other side of the law. The man said eventually. He steepled his hands on the table and did not look up to meet Evens gaze.

I don't care. Said Even. Only whether or not you can shoot.

Sarah. He called. Give Hosi the needler.

Sarah was standing with her back to the wall but not leaning against it, needler stuck in her belt and her hands clasped behind her back. She came over and without complaint or emotion handed the needler to Hosi. Hosi looked it over and checked the ammo block then flicked the safety on and tucked it into his belt.

I still think Zaires plan had merit. Said Del. Sacrifice the robot to draw the creature off then slip past.

Noone said anything for a moment. Even broke the silence.

That will not be happening. He said.

There was silence. Del continued eating, avoiding his glance. She had what looked like a star in her hands, pressed out of the nutrient dough.

We move out in ten minutes. Even said. I am going outside to scout around. He paused. Noone is to leave the room.

He started to walk towards the door then called back over his shoulder.

Sarah. Follow.

She caught up with him at the door, her boots clapping the plascrete floor behind him. There was a slide of blood on the floor here where Nico and Del had, between them, dragged out the corpse of Zaire. It started from where she had fallen and out through the doorway. The blood was still wet. Even stepped over the trail and out into the passage.

A few meters away was the corpse. It was pushed against the wall and was covered with a sheet.

Slipping his bag off his shoulder Even stepped over to the corpse. He looked all around then kneeled and in a single motion peeled the sheet, which was sticky with blood, away from her ruined face.

Stand guard at the door. Don't let anyone out here. Even said without looking up.

He took out a vial. One of the thick ones. Then he took out his arcblade and turned on a 2 centimetre extrusion. Then he bent over the corpse and began to cut.

Afterwards he turned off the arcblade and wiped his bloodied hands on the sheet. He packed his things away along with the vial. Grabbing the edge of the sheet he pulled it back up over the woman's head.

The synthetic was watching him.

What did you want that for.

Even sat back on his heels and looked at her. His eyes went to the doorway behind her then back to her.

It was not what it appeared to be.

He rose and then held his bag by its strap and held it out to her.

You will carry this. Protect it. Do not give it to anyone without my permission. You are also not to accept orders from anyone save myself.

She took the bag and put her head through the strap so it was crosswise her back and the bag rode low against her hips.

Come now. He said. It's time to face the demon.

Even. She said. I feel fear about this thing.

Even stopped at the door. He looked back at her. Her eyes were wide and darkly blue like the corona of a supernova behind the faceplate of her mask.

Good. He said. Shows your emotional subroutines are correctly processing inputs.

Are you.

He went to leave but she stopped him with a hand on his arm.

Psychologically speaking, she said, I doubt you are baseline.

Even shrugged off her hand and continued inside.

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