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Where - where are you putting Verimus.

In the freezer of course. Even watched as Nico dragged the body of the dead man toward the back of the bar. The he turned to examine the prisoner.

This was a young man sixteen maybe seventeen and not yet grown into his frame. He sat against the wall legs straight shoulders hunched his large but thin hands together in his lap. He wore a tan greatcoat and he sat so he was on the tail of that coat which was even dirtier than he was.

Even stooped and put a hand on the young mans shoulder. The man peered up at Even quizzically. His face was tracked with tears that revealed pale flesh beneath the layers of grime and his eyes were brown and wide and soft and had a sort of hopelessness that was not recent and would not soon pass away. After a moment he dropped his eyes and twisted away from Evens hand. Even let him go and straightened up.

Was he somebody to you?

It - it doesn't matter. Not anymore.

This isn't worth much. Even said. But believe me when I say if I could have had it any different I would.

As you said. Not worth much. The young man paused. Let us go.

I need questions answered. Even said.

The man glanced up at him again. Would you really let us go.

Jordan. Called the other prisoner. Do not speak with him.

Even straightened up and looked at the woman. She sat against the same wall a few meters left of the young man she had called Jordan.

There was a flash of light and a needle struck the floor near the woman's feet. She flinched then looked up at Even who was gripping his carbine. He aimed it toward her.

You won't speak. He said. Except in answer.

Youll shoot anyhow. The woman said. May as well be now.

There is worse. Even said. Then he turned to look at Sarah. The synthetic was sitting at the bar, working on the access devices they had taken from the prisoners. Their weapons were also on the counter alongside her.


The synthetic put down the black colored coder held and looked over at Even.

Are you getting anywhere.

The encryption on these would take several tens of hours to break.

We don't have that much time. I need you to bring me something. A specimen. The last one I collected. Please.

Sarah jumped down off her chair then picked up Evens bag that was at her feet. She rummaged through the bag and eventually came up with a stasis jar containing some small horror. She brought it over to him and when he took it she stood watching.

What are you doing with it.

Even gripped the jar and held up in the lamplight and looked into it. Through the transparent plasglass was clearly visible a biomorph maggot, frozen in spacetime. The cone of its serrated mouthpart was visible pressed against the jar wall, a faint circle of scratches visible on the plasglass where the maggot had attempted to chew its way out before he had activated the stasis field.

Even turned and moved closer to the prisoners then he kneeled down and held the jar in front of each of the prisoners in turn.

Do you know what this is.

The woman inclined her head slightly. Yes.

It isn't dead. Even said. He turned the cylinder slightly and pointed at a latchkey switch in the base of the jar. If I pull this the stasis field turns off and this fellow wakes up. Even paused. I will give you ten seconds to decide.

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