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Nico was standing in the alcove where they had left him, needler in his hand. Even pushed the barrel down and kept walking. The door of the interlock opened ahead and he went inside followed by Sarah and the bot and then Nico as he caught up.

Tennec. Nico tried again. What in the void happened.

Even looked at him but his expression was unreadable as it often was. The red haired man looked into his eye as if he would find a window into his soul and finding none looked to cues on his face but was dissapointed there also. Not that his face was blank. It was drawn and pale though the drug had given him some colour back. Nicos gaze slid down to his arm the burned flesh and bone charred to blackness.

There was an accident. He said shortly. A transverse arc  met an alternating current.

Feedback. Said Nico. If there was supply and voltage. He paused and looked at him again. Plasma.

Even inclined his head slightly. Your quick. He said.

The interlock cycled and disgorged them onto the ramp.

Ten minutes. Said Nico. It's a ten minute run from here. Did you have something for the pain.

Even nodded. Listen. There's been a change of plans. 

The mans breath caught and he looked away briefly then looked back.

You need a surgeon. Moreno has one on her staff. He said. I'll grow you a clone. Just get me back there.

There is a surgical suite nearby. Even said.

It's for experiments. Nico paused. And you still need a surgeon.

That has been arranged.

Nico was silent for a moment.

You spoke to Rose. He said at last.

Yes. Said Even. At least, I think it was her.

Nico sighed. You will get me out.

Even nodded. Promise.

They went up then and spread out at the top of the ramp. Sarah faced left scanning the passage and every few seconds up through the spires of the rotunda with the needlegun planted in her shoulder. Nico  took a couple of steps left then saw they had stopped and he stopped also and looked back over his shoulder. Even caught him staring.

You can make a run for it. He said. Take the needler. I give you better than even odds.

Nico shook his head nervously.

Bot. Called Even. Yes you.

The bot put down the case and turned to regard him, eyes serene and blue as always.

Yes sir.

Do you have a name.

No sir.

Then your stamp.

Model 05 Version DES007R.

He laughed. I shall call you Double-oh-seven.

Yes sir.

Stop using the honorific sir.

For you or anyone.




So you know the way to the surgical suite.


It was on the other side of the rotunda, a few tens of meters from the end of that structure. There was here a doorway covered with plastic, thick and semi-transparent. The plastic was torn top to bottom and there were other tears and holes besides. There was darkly colored matter smeared over the inside of the plastic and flaking blood.

They'd gone inside and each had a good look at what was on the walls and floor of the corridor inside. The corridor went twenty five or thirty meters and turned sharply right.

007. Even said. Do you know the nature of the hostiles in here. Did that stationmind give you that data.

Humans infected with the xenophage. Numbers in excess of ten. Unidentified other that later resolved. Possible sensor error.

Even looked around at them. Then he leaned over and tapped the wall beside Nico. That man flinched and spun on his heel, needler in his hand. Evens hand was out before he had come around, pushing the muzzle down.

Ive seen you shoot. I know you can shoot.

The man nodded.

You need to manage your nerves.

I - I hate these things Tennec.

You hate what you fear. Have you killed one before.

Never in a fight. Once I euthanised a subject prior to her dissection.

You experimented on them.

He nodded.

You told yourself they were monsters. That made it alright.

That's why you fear them. But you are wrong. Theyre people. You should pity them.

The red haired man nodded and took a deep breath through his nose and then another.

Let's do this. Said Even.

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