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Floor to ceiling was three stories. This internal space was filled with block structures which were two or three floors with the latter merging seamlessly with the ceiling. The ceiling was inset by arclights many of which had gone out so that down here they were as cold and distant as the stars and provided about as much light.

The blocks themselves were featureless save wrapped in cables and piping of multiple gauges. The faces left bare were made greyscale using counter illumination.

Between the blocks ran alleyways, with catwalks above. After leaving the station Nico took the lead using his access screen to navigate between the blocks. Occasionally he would glance up at the structures as if to scry their features though to Even they looked uniform. Each was the same width and depth or if differing then it was by too small an amount for Even to notice. They were wider and deeper than they were high. After several minutes Even had estimated the blocks to be probably thirty or thirty five meters each dimension save the vertical. The alleys were also all the same width being about five meters at their widest, but half that where there were entrances to the blocks. Here were ramps that ate into the sides of the alleys and lead down into the subfloor. They were necessarily offset from center of each side. Even stopped at the next one. It was dark inside. He kneeled and flicked on his light and aimed it down into the entrance. The ramp was an embossed metal. It entered the side of the structure below a seamless arch that protruded out from the structure about a meter and tapered down to meet the sides of the ramp. Inside was a short antechamber and a set of doors. They were closed. Beside them was a securescan unit. He held the light here a moment and read off a string of glyphs overhead the recessed screen.


We need to keep going. Nico said.

This is important. Even said without turning. After a moment he heard the other man walk over. Just have a look for yourself. He gestured for Nico to get down beside him.

This better be good. Nico said. Then he kneeled.

Even shifted the light over to the far corner of the antechamber.

Fuck. Nico swore. I knew it was too quiet.

I'm going to dissect one of them. Even said.

Nico shook his head. We don't have time to gather specimens.

Even gestured for the synthetic to bring over his bag. It's not for that. He said. I would like to know what we are up against here.

Nico was silent a moment. You'll be quick.

Even stood. He rummaged through his bag and retrieved a scalpel. His hands paused a moment on a specimen jar but did not take it out.

Sarah. He said. You follow me.

He turned to the other man. You remain here. Watch our backs. He paused. I will be quick.

The ramp rang with the sound of his steps as he hurried down into the antechamber. He came to the corner and panned his light over the growth. There were two pods each about the size of a human head. They hung down from the ceiling on ropes of fleshy matter. The flesh was pale, like mucus, and marbled with yellow.

Even removed his weapon strap then passed the carbine back to Sarah.

Hold the light.

The synthetic took the carbine and aimed it up at the pods while Even got closer. He stood studying the pods a moment then reached up with his scalpel. The blade glinted silver in the torchlight.

He paused then cut quickly across the bottom of the lower pod. The blade but deeply into the flesh but became trapped as the flesh rippled, stiffening and contracting upward. He almost lost his grip on the handle. For a moment he fumbled with it then pushed upward with his feet and gripping the handle tightly worked the blade free. Ignoring the drips of embryonic fluid landing on his face he reached up and cut again this time more forceful a quick hard slash at right angles to the first. The flesh spasmed and rippled then the bottom of the pod gave way. He jumped back just in time to avoid the embryo landing on him and knocked into Sarah who was standing directly behind him. The light swung chaotically then clattered to the floor as she dropped it and instead grabbed his shoulder.

You got it. She said after a moment.

Even nodded.

I didn't hurt you. Did I. He said.

I'm fine.

Even hesitated a moment longer.

Thank you. He said. He looked around for the carbine. It lay on the floor behind her its light spalshinha cross the vented steel and up the far wall. He stooped and gathered it up. Turning back to the corner he aimed the light up onto tje growth then panned it down until he came to the embryo. The embryo was within a membranous sac of transparent tissue. It lay on the deck, slightly flattened, deformed by gravity. The sac was filled with milky fluid and inside was a dark shape limbs tightly curled about its body. It did not move. He kneeled and using his scalpel he cut across the sac. He handed the scalpel back over his shoulder to Sarah. Then he reached down holding the carbine and light in one hand and with his other hand he gripped the sac and lifted it up. The embryo came out in a gush of fluid and dropped onto the deck. It did not move. The black wet dome of its head glinted in the light. Even studied it a moment longer then glanced up at the other pod. It also had retracted and was now out of his reach, up near the ceiling. Even stood and looked over at the synthetic.

Now. Now we know. He said.

She nodded wordlessly.

There was a clang of footsteps from the ramp. Even turned to see Nico joining them.

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