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I don't like this. Even said. The door before him was half open and would not open further, he had tried. Inside was dark even darker than the rest of the unit. He had some idea of the shape of the place. From floor plans on his coder he had determined this to be a tunnel one of many that threaded their way through the accommodation slabs for the use of workers to service the units and the former and probably late occupants.

Just the the air shifted inside the tunnel and a slight and cold draught escaped through that black slot and into the room. Evens expression did not change but he took a step back from the door. Nico and Sarah were watching him and Nico reached for his weapon.

Even held up his hand. Its okay. He said. It just stinks. Something is dead in there.

A nest.

No. I don't think so. It would be good if we had masks.

We arnt going back. Nico said.

I think we need to. Even said. Maybe one of the warehouses we passed.

Nico shook his head. No. He said. No time.

Even looked like he was going to argue the point further but then threw up his hands in surrender. Fuck it he said. He stepped forward and then another and he left this room and went into the darkness. It swallowed him. He let go of his carbine letting it hang from his chest and he felt around with both hands until he found the bulkhead. He oriented himself by it and turned to the grey outline of the door and rapped his knuckles against the metal.

Immediately Nico thrust his bag through the opening. Even took it as the other man turned so he was sideways on to the door and forced himself through. At the widest point on his chest his armor scraped the edges of the opening. After a moment Even handed the bag back to Nico then called in a low voice to the synthetic. He put out his hand and found hers and guided her through the opening.

It is disorienting. He whispered to her. How is your shoulder.

Better. She replied.

Are you healed.

They were interrupted by the sound of Nico swearing and spluttering somewhere ahead of them in the tunnel.


Found the corpse. Nico replied. There was silence for a moment. Oh shit another one. Oh God you've got to see this.

What is it.

Turn your light on.

No. Even said. We do not know that we are alone here. Even reached back and found Sarah's hand and set it upon his shoulder and when he felt her grip the fabric there of his coveralls he stepped forward one hand touching the wall and the other held out in front of him. Wait there he said to Nico as he moved along the wall.

The smell of death came strongly then and he choked back bile. He could feel his eyes watering and he forced shallow short breaths through his mouth and continued to follow the wall. Then his outstretched hand touched something cold and hard that dangled directly before him. He recoiled and nearly collided with Sarah behind him. After a moment he reached out again and touched it and felt up and down it and then past it. Then he pushed himself against the wall and turned so his back was against the wall and moved Sarah to do the same and they slid by the dangling thing.

What was it. She asked him.

He didn't answer. A moment later and he bumped into another. The feel of cold stiff feet against his thighs. He reached out with his hands and pushed the feet back. They were sticky with something he did not wish to think about. He held the feet out and so the rest of the corpse guided them around it.

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