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Even opened his eye and blinked into the glare overhead surgical lights.

Power stopped flowing to the lights. Momentarily in each the tension within the compensators pulled then together sustaining the arc for a moment longer which flared and then flickered and died. There was a dual glow. The glow of the after-image on his retina and the orange  red glow of the cooling cathodes.

You can remove the restraints now. He said.

There was a click and the restraints came away tracking down across his bare flesh.

He lifted his hands in front of him and looked at them. He rotated his palms and closed and opened his fingers. The right was a mirror image of the left. Even the colouring had already adapted to his once his circulatory system was joined to it.

Doesn't feel right. He said.

He brought his hands back and pushed himself up on his elbows. He grimaced with some small pain but followed through by swinging his legs down off the slab.

Woah. Wait there.

I don't know your ready yet.

Even looked up towards the voice. There was a redhaired man over by the benches. He clambered to his feet and walked over towards Even gently swaying as he walked.

Nico. Said Even as if confirming something to himself. You're swaying.

Yes. The man pointed at the syrette of morphine pinned to his shirt. A second one was pinned beside it.

Had to have some more of my friend morphine. Still getting used to it. He grinned. It is something I could really get used to.

You don't want to. Even said. He looked around then and looked to his right and found Sarah.

She lay on the trolley as before but now she was swaddled in a blanket up to her neck and several straps wound about the trolley binding the synthetic to it.

Who did that.

They did. He gestured at the bot which stood nearby the trolley.

How long have I been out.

Nico checked his access device, a flat square screen about twice the size of his hands and backed by gold plastic.

Eight hours and some.

Eight hours thirty nine minutes. The bot suddenly said.

Even looked down at himself. He was bare from the waist up. The only thing he wore was the bottom half of his thermal undersuit that covered from his waist to the bottoms of his feet in a flexible and comfortable plastic weave.

Can you bring me my boots.

The bot acted. It moved over to the benches where Evens belongings were arrayed and collected the boots and brought them to him. Even took them and pulled them on. The magnetic clasps did up high around his calves.

Im guessing there is no clothing to be had.

Nico shook his head.

Even paused for a moment then gripped the edges of the slab and let himself slide forward and then drop to the floor. His boots thudded onto the plascrete flooring.

Nico rushed forward and grabbed at his arm. Even shrugged him off.

That is not necesary. Even said straightening up. I feel clear headed.

Your surgery was a success. Said the bot.

Even held his arms out again rotating his wrists and flexing his fingers.

THE FALL OF ROSENROT STATION Where stories live. Discover now