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Even looked at the needler. It was an older model. From the last decade. It had two studs on the handle that lay continually in contact with the users skin to allow biosampling.

You've made a lot of assumptions. Even said carefully.

Where did you work before the event.


Dajhara. That desert place. It fell.

Yes. It did.

I'm a system technician.

I know most of the system techs. You - I don't remember.

I came here recently.

We've had no recruits for two years.

I came on my own ship. A few days ago.

He waited. Some complex expression crossed her face. She did not speak.

A month ago system administration made a request for service of a mainframe fault. Then they cut all contact and ceased communications.

Even held out his tag. Check it again. I've changed the access level so you can see my warrant.

What warrant.

I was sent here with a warrant to investigate the cause of the disruption and effect repairs if possible.

You have a ship.


You really have a ship.

I have a ship.

Prove it.

The truth is more complicated than that.

If you have a ship why are you still here.

I need answers. He took a sip from his glass. But also something took control of my vessel and sent it away.

Moreno visibly relaxed.

So you're stuck here with us.

You believe me.

She nodded. Before. We had a foldspace vessel, a transport, but hardly anyone got out. Statgov launched the evac early. Cowards.

When was this.

A month ago.

Even shook his head. The company would have mentioned evacuees in my briefing.

They didn't make it. The ship crashed onto Rubrum.

Moreno held up a hand.

There's a secret. Only a few know. The transport crashed deliberately.

Even nodded. I believe your mainframe has become malignant. I aim to fix or disable it. Then recall my ship. He paused. And to collect data on the infestation.

Moreno looked at him. What type of ship do you have.

Its a one man slipper. Sorry. He said. A company transport is only a few weeks behind me.

Maybe you'd have room for one more.

Even didn't reply.

Not for me. My daughter.

You have a daughter. Here.

Shes twelve. She's not here. She was at class. Floor 29. I know she's alive.

Moreno opened a drawer in her desk. She pulled out a photo and passed it across to Even. He looked at it then passed it back.

I can't promise anything. Now I need copies of your data. And I want to see your specimens.

Its not here.

A look of anger crossed his face. Then he sighed.

Where is it.

The other half of the lab.

What. Said Even carefully. What is in there.

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