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There are people coming.

Even put down his glass and glanced over at the synthetic. She sat forward on her chair elbows on the counter and holding her palmcoder in both hands. After a moment she angled the screen so he could see. Even studied it a long moment.

Nico. He called without turning.

Nico got up from where he was sitting across the room and came over. After a moment he stood beside Even.

What am I looking at.

Three devices. All logged into the sysnet. Two pings here and here. This was a node fifty meters away.

Nico looked thoughtful for a minute. How did you get their location data.

I have access. Sarah said.

Neither man spoke for a minute.

It doesn't matter. Even said eventually.

Is it them.

Very likely. Even said. Sarah can you get anything else from them.

User names. Device models. Nothing useful.

Even put his hands on the counter then slowly stood. Then he reached down beside him to where his carbine was leaned up against the side of the counter and picked it up.

I want one alive. Even said. But do not risk yourselves.

He looked like he wanted to say more but was interrupted by a muffled clang outside. All three looked towards the door.

Quickly. Even said. As we planned.

Nico hurried to the far corner of the room where he went down on one knee awkward in his armor holding his carbine up in both hands the buttplate against his chest. Even leapt lightly over the bar and a moment later Sarah follow. Both then ducked down and crouched below the counter. Sarah drew her needlegun from her belt and held it in two hands one hand holding the other. Her hands were shaking. After a moment Even reached out and put his hand on top of hers and held it there a moment.

I don't know if i can do this. She said in a low and urgent voice.

You can choose. Even gave her hand a squeeze then returned his hand to his own weapon. As much as the rest of us anyhow. He leaned back and put the barrel of his weapon just over the edge of the counter.

The governor was just a  fail-safe. Sarah said.

There was the scrape of the door. The muffled voices of several strangers at Sarah. I trust you.

Bonnie. Some woman said. Fucking Christ where is the girl.

A man spoke. Boss. That wasn't here before.


There were soft footsteps and then a woman appeared at the counter. She had a look about her a distance in her eyes that spoke of horrors seen and loved ones lost. Her dark hair was cut in a ragged bowl around her head and her clothing was marked with a million stains. She stood examining the fission lamp a moment then looked down and locked eyes with Even. Before she could cry out Even rose and aimed his carbine at her head. Her hands went to a needler in her belt but Even jerked his carbine in her direction and she stopped.

Take it out and drop it. Even said. His eyes flicked to the others. There was a tall man standing just inside the door whose face showed his surprise though he recovered quickly.

Behind the man were two others. Even could not see their features. The man just inside the doorway was already holding his weapon some ancient pattern needler and started to move the barrel in Evens direction.

You too. Even said keeping his weapon trained on the woman in front of him.

The man stared at Even a moment longer, looked towards the woman then jerked the barrel of his weapon  toward Even.

There was a flash of fire from the corner of the room where Nico was crouched. The needle entered the man's side high near his armpit and did not exit. The man took a step forward and then fell on his side.

Don't. Even said looking at the woman. Her situation was starting to sink in and she looked at the man crumpled in the doorway then back at Even.

One of the people in the hallway outside turned and ran. The other hurried forward and burst into the room. Even tensed ready to swing his carbine around to shoot when this one another man instead crouched beside the fallen man and rolled him onto his back. After a moment Even heard the man gasp.

You killed him. The man yelled. Fucking savages.

There was a clatter as the woman drew her weapon from her belt and dropped it to the floor.

Sarah rose and stood beside Even. She held her weapon but with the barrel pointed down.

If I were you, I'd let me go. The woman said. Do you know who I am.

Even looked at her and held her gaze. Sarah Get the door closed. He said. The synthetic vaulted the counter and hurried over to the door sparing at a look at the man who was still crouched over the dead one then reaching for the door.

No. Even said. I don't know who you are. How about you tell me.

What is your name. He prompted when she didn't answer.

Fuck you.

No need to be rude. We can all walk away from this.

Where is Bonnie.

Even gestured with a dip of his head.


Her face betrayed a flicker of emotion. It passed and her expression was an impassive mask once more.

You murdered my sister. She said.

Even shook his head. That wasn't us. Look we can all walk away from this. First I need your cooperation.

Liar. You'll pay. She said. You don't know who the fuck I am.

I know what you are. Even said. I saw the freezer. He paused. I'm not judging you. He said. We all do what we must. He lowered his carbine. Don't try anything. He said. My partner has you covered from back there. No. Don't look around. Look at me. He put his carbine on the counter and vaulted over.


Come on. Over against the wall.

Fuck you.

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