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PL MET (unknown) I have suspicions. I suspect her, the synthetic I requisitioned ownership of - I have other suspicions, something else, unspeakable

They sat together huddled in the darkness. They were in a storage facility. The door was shut and they were crouched behind a wall of crates near the back of the facility but they did not dare any light. Noone spoke for some time. There was only the whisper of the vents and somewhere the dripping of water.

Time seemed to stretch. After some hours or perhaps minutes Even opened his bag and felt around within until he found the small pile of fast nutrition bars. He passed  one to Nico, prodding that man until Nico realised what was up and took them. Then Even took out another and began to unwrap it then stopped.

I forget. He said. You your model does it receive ah sustanence from food.

Sarah was sitting to his right. For a minute he thought she would not answer.

Are you sleeping.

I am not sleeping. I am thinking.

Do you want food.

There was a long pause.


Even thrust his hand out with a bar and after a moment Sarah found his hand in the dark and he felt her slim cool fingers on his as she took the bar.

So you can derive something from it.

Something yes.

It's a high calorie meal substitute. Even said. Made mostly of an animal substance.

The calories are useless to me. I derive all my energy needs from my fission battery.

So from what do you suppose I derive my own energy needs.


You say I'm a synth.

I believe you are. The statmind believes you are.

Even took a bite of the bar. He chewed for a bit. Every hypothesis has explanatory power. Good or bad. Do I have a battery. Like you.

How should I know. I do not design synths. She paused. However. I would design you to be as human as possible while as versatile as possible. And of course programmable. And. Disposable.

There came a sound then. It came from far off and was distorted by the narrow alleys and passages through which it came.

Was that. Nico said.


Even tossed the wrapper of his food bar on the floor then stood with a groan.

The bag. He said, unnecessarily, because Sarah was already reaching for it.

Shouldn't we wait. Nico said. Until it's over.

Even shook his head though none could see it in the darkness.


No. Whichever side wins, it'll be just as bad for us.

They made little noise as they made their way through the facility. At the entrance Even paused and using the controls he opened the external doors. As these pulled back into the bulkhead each side he stood in the entrance silhouetted here by some distant source of light. He looked back into the gloom seeking the faces of those following.

Remember. He said. Keep going no matter what you see. Kill what must be killed. Avoid what you can.


He paused again. Nico brushed past him on the right. The bulk of his armor was cold where it touched Even and he shivered. Even waited then Sarah's face came out of the grey.



They thought this way too you know.

Even waited but she didn't say more.

Don't be cryptic.

The scientists. They thought they could weaponise it. Use it.

Were they wrong?


He held up his hand. They did not have the correct procedures. How could they know what they were dealing with. In fact I am impressed with how well they managed.



You are misinformed.

They knew. We all did.

If Evens expression changed it could not be seen for the light was behind him and there was only dark on his face.

You have free will now Sarah.


You could have remained with Morenos group. It would have been safer.

Yes. It would have. In the short term.

Why did you come.

A desire to live. She said without hesitation. This place nightmare. I finally understand Doctor Chyan and why she did, what she did.

If you desire safety surely you'd have been better remaining with Moreno then.

I said desire to live. Not safety.


There is only one ship.  

He reached out then and put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer.

I will do it. He said in a low enough voice Nico could not hear.

What for.



Even did not answer.

After a bit Sarah shrugged off his hand and continued on past him following Nico through the gloom. Even stared after her then still without answer he followed.

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