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They came now. There were sounds that of two people outside in the main corridor. Two could be heard and if there were more than two then they moved silently without the tap of boots on plascrete and steel.

Even moved closer to the entrance until he was within a meter. He flattened himself against the wall and waited. In his right hand he held a knife the blade about twenty centimetres long. It was not a plasma knife like he might have preferred but it was long and sharp and made of a black steel that did not gleam in what little light was present in the short hallway. He shifted the knife reversing it in his grip and steadied himself.

They did not talk amongst themselves. They carried with them some light, it's ever increasing presence brightening the inside of the hallway as they drew near.

The light stopped. So did the sounds of movement.

Then the light brightened as someone held it up in front of the hallway and stood looking in.

Leave it.

But she.

I know what she said. but we cannot be expected to search every fucking alley.

There was more said but most of it unintelligible from where Even pressed tightly against the wall. The hand that held the knife was steady.

After a minute or two a second light flared into existence out in the passageway. More words were exchanged then the light inside the hallway and the room inside brightened. The group was moving away with a clank of steps but one of their number had separated from the group. He or she advanced into the hallway holding a lantern before them with a needler in their off hand. They came as far as the entrance to the room and put the lantern before them and looked for a long moment light hiveirng over the boxes piled in the center of the room and the trash that layered the floors. Then the light was reversed and they turned away muttering some thing under their breath. The lantern now threw a long shadow into the room as Even stepped out silently into the space behind this member of the group.

It was a woman he knew the instant he put his arm around her and clamped it firmly over her mouth with his other hand and the knife sliding up against her throat.

She tensed up and he lips peeled back from her mouth as though she might bite him. He felt the wet of her saliva and the hardness of her teeth as she breathed noisy gasps through her nose. She dropped the needler which clattered to the floor and her other hand with the lantern jerked up over her head as Even pulled back forcefully with the hand over her mouth holding her tight to his chest. Then he turned the blade of the knife and angled it slightly upward beneath her chin and made a sideways motion slicing just the top layer of her skin. She stiffened in pain but the goal was accomplished and she had turned her attention to the knife at her throat rather than the hand over her mouth. She relaxed signalling that she would not resist.

Even removed the knife from her throat in an abrupt movement and shoved her forward. Before she could cry out or do anything he brought the knife around reversed it and hit the woman with the handle. He hit her hard on the back of her head and she stiffened then slumped unconscious. He caught her as she went down and laid her onto the floor. Then he reached over and righted the lantern that she had dropped and placed it on a box nearby.

Why didnt you just kill her. Nico voice came from the back of the room. The redhaired man came forward into the sphere of light from the lantern followed by the synthetic.

Can't you see. She said. Even decided to spare her.

You're both wrong. Even said. He gestured to Sarah. Bring my kit. Quickly now before she wakes.

You should kill her. Slit her throat. Nico said. If you cannot do it give me the knife. She will wake in a moment and call them all down on us.

I'm counting on it. Even said. He passed the knife to Sarah exchanging it for the bag. He grabbed the bag quickly and opened it. He moved the lantern over closer to put the light inside while he rummaged through it. Shortly he had retrieved a hypodermic needle and a vial.

What are you doing. Sarah said.

Plan has changed. Even said. Even pushed the needle into the vial piercing the rubberfoam stopper. He sucked up some mls of the black substance from the vial into the needle. Then he kneeled over the body of the woman and pulled back the collar of her jacket exposing the bare flesh where her shoulder met her neck. Even thrust the needle into flesh sinking it down a few centimetres through the skin and into muscle. The woman jerked spasmodically but then relaxed again. Even pushed down on the plunger pushing the black ooze from the hypo into the woman. Then he removed the needle and tossed it aside.

Come on. Even said. We have to move quickly. Before she wakes.

What have you done. Sarah said staring down at him.

Even straightened up. He looked at the lantern then back at the body.

What I had to. He said. He grabbed up the bag and stepped over the body and put into the hall.

Come on. He said. Hurry.

Nico stepped over the body of the woman then moved rapidly to follow Even. After a moment Sarah did likewise.

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