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Ten minutes later and he was back in the commonroom. He announced himself loudly so as not to startle Hendersons man and briefly held still with his hands up while that man examined him over the sights of his carbine.

Where are the others. The man called.

They are chasing Moreno. They didn't want me slowing them down.

The man lowered his weapon.

Then you can assist me feeding these guys.

Even nodded. What's your name.

Dhandi. He said, pronouncing it Dandy.

No problem Dhandi. Even looked over at the crate. It was a smallish crate wider than it was high of some hard blue plastic and banded with silvery metal. Even moved over to it slowly. 

I'm on your side. Even said as the man's eyes followed him.

No doubt. Said the man. Get it open.

Even kneeled and examined the lid. Then he ran his hands around the metal banding until he found the release each side and pressed it. There was a click from the lid. He levered out tee recessed handle in the middle of the lid and pulled. There was a second of resistance then it came out.

They look hungry enough to eat an alien. Dhandi had come over and was standing to his right.

Can they be eaten. Even glanced up.

The man shuddered. They taste foul. But if there is nothing else. The little black aliens don't have much of them so you just stew them organs and all.

Sounds bad. Even said. Do you guys eat many of them.

Sometimes. He said. When rations are low.

Even started pulling the MREs from the box and stacking them on the floor.

Hate seeing kids hungry. Dhandi said.

Do you have kids. Family.

A sister. Young as these kids. Our parents they ah they bought it when this shit started.

Is she why youre with Rothschilds.

Would've been worse if we didn't.

Even grabbed two of the MREs and brought them over to the people at the wall.

Kids first. Dhandi called.

Even stopped. Then he moved up the line to the two boys.

Eat up. Even winked as he handed over the containers.

Thank you sir. Whispered one of the boys.

Dont be scared. The man won't hurt you.

Even walked back over to the crate.

Let them get the food themselves.

Dhandi looked at him. He nodded.

Listen up. He said loudly. You will come up here. One at a time starting from this end here. He pointed. Down. Each of you will take one ration box. Then you will return to the wall.

Well. Come on.

Even straightened up and took a few steps backward.

Is this all they have.

Even shook his head. I think they have a little more. He glanced over at Dhandi. The man was relaxed but alert his grey eyes watching everything.

Seems like these rescue missions would be dangerous. Even said. What would happen to your sister if you didn't come back.

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