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They are ahead.

Even stopped. He looked round at Sarah.


The synthetic moved up beside him and stood studying the screen of her coder.

In there. She pointed over at a lozenge shaped structure  few tens of meters along the platform to their left. It was a free standing structure that stopped short of the upper ceiling. It was white, armored thickly with corten steel that wrapped and nearly disguised its underlying hexagonal shape. It was bisected by a single rail that ran through its upper far quarter. The rail touched nothing else save for the lozenge structure. It was hung upon nothing and followed the ceiling in and out of the cavernous space of the station spanning the dark dropoffs at the edges of the platform. There were other platforms. Some were lit. Islands floating in a sea of darkness. The place was large and the darkness made it seem larger still.

The car. Is it inside. Even said.

I have not yet called it. The synthetic said. It might alert them.

Even nodded slowly. He looked around slowly then back at the stand alone structure.

There is no need to confront them. Sarah said. I will get the car to stop outside.

Even started forward and shortly was in the shadow of the structure. He followed the wall about halfway down when he stopped abruptly and then fumbled with his carbine. A moment later its light came on. Even held it on the floor for a long moment then slowly panned it up the wall.

Another light flickered on. Sarah glanced back to see Nico swing his gun up and point it overhead. The light was lost uselessly in the gloom glancing off plunging vent shafts and a snarl of piping. It flickered and Nico slapped the butt of his gun with his palm. The light strengthened for a brief moment splashing across the far ceiling before blinking out. Nico cursed.

Even thumbed his own light off then stepped around something on the floor before continuing on.

What do you think happened there. Sarah said.

Isn't it bloody obvious. Said Nico as he followed the other two.

There came a sound overhead. The shifting of weight on steel. Even froze and a moment later put his hand back to steady Sarah when she bumped into him. Now when Even listened all that could be heard was the sound of the three breathing and a faintly muttered curse from Nico.

Call the car. Nico said. Call it. Get the fuck out of this place.

Shall I call it.

Yes. Bloody call it. Dumb fucking bot.

Keep your voices down.

Shall I call it. Sarah said her voice barely a whisper.

No. Even said. First. First we deal with them. He gestured at the structure.

We can bypass them. I told you.

The more bodies available to these creatures the more they can reproduce. And they can reproduce quickly.

You mean to rescue them.

Even laughed faintly. No. He said. He was silent for a moment. Then Even started forward again still following the wall. He came to the corner then moved around it leading with the carbine he held pressed against his shoulder. This side was in bright light. It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust. Then he continued on over the nearby door. He let go of his carbine to touch the door controls waited then touched the controls again.

It's locked. Can you override it.

Give me a moment. Sarah tapped some commands into her coder. I still think we should bypass them. There is no need.

THE FALL OF ROSENROT STATION Where stories live. Discover now