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She was sitting up when he came over to her. She was still holding onto the bag with both hands.

Systems check. Even said.

Niney nine percent functionality. She said a heartbeat later. At sufficient g forces my system crashes. She added. I'm alright.

He looked at her and then put out his hand.

Can you stand.

She took the offered hand and he pulled her upright.

God. I can't believe they're all dead.

Even turned to see the other man getting to his feet. He stood on the other side of the demon corpse, his back to the glass of the observation deck. His face was blanched a pale sickly colour. in one hand he still clutched the needler.


Nico. Even called out to the man. Snap out of it.

I'm going to be sick. Nico said. Then all at once he jerked forward and retched. The nutrient paste meal he had eaten earlier had become a pea colored soup without form or texture.

Even moved over to him and offered the man a bottle of water. Shortly Nico straightened up and looked at Even. He took the bottle and drank it in one continuous swallow until, when he lowered the bottle from his mouth, he was gasping for air.

Sorry. Said Even.

It should have been me. Nico said.

Nico moved away. He stepped around the demon corpse and went over to where the mutilated body of Hosima lay.

Don't. Said Even. Your mental state is fragile right now. I need to bring back at least one of you to Moreno. He added.

He died saving me. Nico said, his voice barely audible.

Nico. Even said again sharply.

Nico did not respond. He kneeled beside Hisoma's corpse, his back to Even. He did something Even didn't see. When he straightened up he had something in his hands. He remained still with his back to Even looking at whatever it was. When he finally turned Even caught a glimpse of the item before Nico dropped it into a breast pocket of his coveralls. There was a flash of gold. Almost immediately Nico patted his pocket as if to check it was still there. Even looked past him then at the body. Hosimas eyes were closed now and his hands folded over his chest. He could have been sleeping if not for the gaping wounds and pooling blood.

It's my fault. Nico said. I tried to run.

Nico. He said again, softer this time. Hold it together.

It dropped down from the ceiling.

Even immediately looked up. He scanned the bulkhead over the observation deck then left to where the corridor bent around the chamber. The opening was not hard to find. Directly overhead the mouth of the corridor one of the 2x3 meter boltplates had been pushed out. The bolts on the right were broken or pulled through the metal. The bolts on the left had stretched and bent back as if hinges and the plate itself was still attached by them, bent back onto its neighbour. These plates were not as thick as the usual bulkhead but at several centimetres of steel they were considerably tough. Now where the plate had been was a thick darkness that curdled with the light. Some bulk of cabling and ductwork was faintly visible just inside the gap.

Even lifted his palmcoder and scanned the damage. Then he looked around at Nico and Sarah. Nico was still pale and shivering slightly. He had an amount of blood on him and now and then he attempted to wipe his hands on his clothing but succeeded only in spreading it around further. Sarah stood there seemingly less perturbed than she had been earlier as she contemplated the demon.

I will have to sample this. Even said.

Sarah nodded. As she moved over to him she opened the bag and held it out to him. Even rooted around inside the bag while she held it.

Shortly he had retrieved what he needed and he closed the bag and nodded. Then he went over to the demon corpse.

You are a rather coldblooded person. Said Nico.

I've heard that said about me. Even said. Then he looked about.

The others might return. He said. Give Sarah the needler.

What others. Said Nico.

He came over and passed the needler to Sarah. She dropped the bag back against her hips and held it two handed.

The eyeless ones. He said.

You mean the precursor species. They won't come. They are terrified of this fellow here. Testing proved that. He added.

You made him. Even stated. He paused. What about the others. These precursors. Did you people create them also.

No. Nico said. What gave you that idea. No. We only made the demon and various versions thereof. 

Even kneeled beside the bulky corpse.

But why.

Ask Moreno that. I'm not sure you have the clearance.

Even shook his head. I require all records of your experiments.

He bent over the corpse, which lying down was so thick the limits of its chest came to his knees. There was a pool of blood that formed an ever widening circle beneath and around the corpse a rising tide of red across the plasticrete deck. It was impossible to avoid and he didn't try. It lapped against the tread of his boots.

I don't have the data. Said Nico.

Even paused and looked up from his work. Where is it.

Nearby. We can retrieve it, and then, if Moreno approves it, I'll unlock the files for you.

What about physical specimens. Moreno promised me there would be specimens.

Yes. There are some of those.

Good. You're leading me to them.

What do you want them for. Said Nico after a bit.

I'm not sure you have the clearance for that. Said Even.

A few minutes later and Even gestured again to Sarah. She came over and held open the bag. Even packed away his newly taken samples. Then he clambered to his feet.

I've been thinking. Said Nico. I'm not an idiot. Something doesn't add up here.

Out with it. Said Even.

The power failure. Localised to us. And right at the worst possible moment.

Even paused. Then he gestured up.

Someone doesn't like us. He said.

Lets go get the data and then out before anything else finds us. Even said. Oh. One more thing. I noticed you had the demon down there - he gestured - in the containment chamber. The one with the rock. How precisely did it escape.

It didn't Said Nico. It was never in there.

Then what was.

Experiment 13N. A success at the time. Synthesised two weeks after the event, building on all we had learned from earlier models, like him. He gestured at the dead demon.

So where is 13N.

Nico gestured. Behemoth we call her. She is still down there.

That. Even said, stepping out of the blood. There was so much blood it took him three steps to be clear of it. Is disconcerting. He paused. It's a female you say?

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